[@ObsidianNoir] [@TehChron] [b]FUYUKI PARK, HEADING TO MIYAMA TOWN[/b] [h1]Rapheal Dimund[/h1] Waiting for her to catch up he gives his Servant a little look before chuckling. "Guess it is a bit odd to summon someone like you in a War with so many other options available. Could of gone for any big shot Hero and I definitely had the means to get them with my work as a uh, collector of the past so to say. But I felt that wasn't my MO, didn't suit my style of dealing with trouble and I would rather look to work with who I got as a Servant as that would have the best chances for winning this thing." That was the honest truth. He'd done his research of what he would be expecting here and it wasn't pretty, those thought myth turned real and flinging about some honestly crazy shit with even crazier magi behind them. He needed someone competent that wouldn't be some headstrong asshole. The Assassin class was the best fit for him and researching those famous in these lands, he thought 'she'(wasn't that a shock) was a great choice. Giving a slight smile he continues. "And yeah, I do know who you are and you were pretty ballsy back in the day huh? Being able to pull that off the one time people know about and however many times after that, well I couldn't resist really. Used some connections and a little hunting on my end before I got a hand on your sheath, supposedly the one you had on you with that famous day if my sources were to say." Giving a bigger grin he goes on. "Which proved to be correct. I was thinking that our main time of operation would be during the day and some planning at night to play to our strengths. No need to run headlong into fights, best to let some of these Magus kill each other off while we pick off the others if given the chance." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [h1]Servant Gunner[/h1] [b]SHINTO DISTRICT, FRUITS OF ECSTASY[/b] Well that was about what he thought, the way his Master had carried himself since he was first summoned suggested as such. His philosophy of sorts wasn't something new to him but he was the most upfront about it if he were to say. He couldn't agree with parts of it, the way he was raised and lived had his own moments doing his own thing, but nothing like this. "I can see that, how little I've spent with you had already given me an idea but the confirmation is nice to have. I can agree to some of it as well, living the best you can before the end, hard not to with my life." Here Gunner does frown a bit while looking at his Master. "I was put into Cadets against my wishes as a child because my Father thought it best for me, and because I didn't like it but still had to be there, I coasted by as it were. Putting in the bare minimum and doing just enough to pass into the Army like that." Sighing, Gunner presses on. "Then The War began and as part of the Calvary at the time, felt useless, used as transporting supplies. It was necessary work but it wasn't for me, so I signed up with the Air Corps and the rest was History. I found my place up their in the Sky and found many others I would call good comrades as well. I found purpose and with that freedom." Scratching his chin, Manfred thinks for a moment. "You don't seem the worst I could work with and War has had me used to some pretty terrible things. The most I would ask out of you is your best to keep Civs out of this. I know that can be impossible at times but consider this my one condition, from someone who lived his last in protecting the Fatherland. As long as you Mehdi try your best in that regard I will not care for any other horrors you have planned."