[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190820/e8a8ebc50ab74de8d3194e57ff98b555.png[/img][/center] [Color=lightblue][b]Time:[/b][/color] Noon [Color=lightblue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Outside of Malthemoor, Daka Island [Color=lightblue][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] Myra [@13org] and Artemis [@Potter] [Color=lightblue][B]Amas:[/b][/color] [hr] [Color=lightblue]"Artemis."[/color] Darius repeated with a smile. He let loose a chuckle at Myra's wave and her brief moment of silently questioning her own gesture. [Color=lightblue]"You got it right, Myra."[/color] He assured. Myra's success in communicating always filled Darius with pride and joy. His attention then drew Artemis, a sad, but also another lovely sight. Darius wondered about the woman they had found almost by chance. He wanted to know where she was from and what she had experienced in her week in Avalia. [Color=lightblue][i]She kinda speaks like someone from the Caribbean maybe. What if she's from somewhere I've been to?! This is… Well, actually, as cool as this is, I can tell things have definitely been rough on her. Who would do this to her and why? And she was just dumped into the woods? It's sad, but at least we found her when we did.[/i][/color] Once Myra cut her free, Artemis pointed toward a direction away from Malthemoor and claimed she needed to get to wherever the mystery location was. Darius raised an eyebrow and looked to where she pointed. He was all for helping the woman, but he needed to know why they would be going deeper into the woods. Myra however, dashed off in the direction. [Color=lightblue]"What's over there?"[/color] Darius questioned more so to himself than directed at Artemis while looking a bit confused. He looked in the direction for some time before watching Myra hurry over while cupping her hands. As soon as Darius noticed it was water she carried over, his smile returned. [Color=lightblue]"So you're thirsty? Makes sense since that muzzle looked like it was on for a while. I think we should head to the amora we took here. We can fly back to the castle, get you cleaned up, and get you something nice to eat, and then… we can take you back home to Earth! Man, I can't believe we found a human on the first day I set out to even do it!"[/color] Darius said cheerfully with a beaming smile. He hadn't been filled with this much hope since being in Avalia. This feeling only motivated him that much more. Something was off though. Maybe he was too excited to place his finger on it, but there was more to this situation… even more than the fact that Artemis wasn't a human, and he hadn't even figured that bit out yet.