Carver slowly brought herself to a calmer state, but continued to examine her head. Leaving it off allowed for the potential of suddenly breaking out in laughter again without having to think of an excuse to pull her head off twice. She could put it back on quickly enough if she needed to say something to divert the conversation. Plus, she did have that pumpkin stashed for a new head; it'd be a good idea to know approximately how much time she had to work on it without her current head turning to mush before the new one was finished. Agatha snapped her head slightly to the side as she pulled herself out of her daze. "Um, yeah. Right. Ahh... Did you want me to clean you up, too, or just... just the clothes?" She tried to rip her gaze away from his chest, but found it slipping downward again as she spoke. "The spells aren't, um, too different. One just takes a bit... longer."