[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JOnRovN.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191218/a2b1657e9fc3127c02b79adbbd7c961c.png[/img] [hr][sup][b][color=FFC0CB]❀[/color] Spring 1 • Year 1 [color=FFC0CB]❀[/color][/b][/sup] [sub][b][color=F0E68C]Location:[/color][/b] General Store[/sub] [hr][/center]Xavier's small joy at seeming to catch the store owner in a good mood was quickly taken over by some other feelings. Confusion, fear. Definitely fear. [color=F0E68C]"Oh."[/color] He stared at Luna, taken aback at pretty much everything she said. The half-admission, the threat, the offer to show him a recipe - a very nice offer, but also, a threat? That was a threat, right? She looked away and Xavier laughed nervously, voice a bit higher pitched than he would have liked. Everyone in town could gather that Luna wasn't particularly happy with their little down, but for some reason she wanted to keep something she [i]liked[/i] a secret? [color=F0E68C]"I don't want to go missing,"[/color] he said. Yep, real smart. Still, his voice had gone back to normal and the tone of his statement said he took her words seriously. He wouldn't divulge her secret. At least not on purpose. He'd try his best. He didn't want to give her one more reason to hate Root River - besides, it'd make doctor's visits really awkward. Almost as awkward as this store clean-up was threatening to become. Xavier didn't think he could ignore the threat on his life quite as easily as the one who made it, but if she'd moved on already then best to follow suite... and think about some self-defense classes, maybe. [color=F0E68C]"That would be good. I'm a more hands-on learner, anyway."[/color] Xavier tried to keep his mind focused on the task at hand but after a little while his eyes wandered around the store. [i]People buy it,[/i] the pink-haired girl had said. Were there any Abernova originals in the shop now? [color=F0E68C]"...so you sell your own handmade things?"[/color] [hr][right][sup][@Inkarnate][/sup][/right]