Lucien let out a small laugh at Faolan's comment. [color=burlywood]"Me? I think we can share equal blame for that one."[/color] He said before he reached for his hand and gently ran his fingers across it. [color=bulywood]"They'll get better soon and your youth shall return to you."[/color] He teased before releasing him. The nephilim's mood had brightened considerably now that he had been able to fully enjoy Faolan's company. [color=burlywood]"I'm going to go check on Aurel."[/color] He said, before heading back to the trailer, but heard Faolan follow behind him. He quietly entered and peeked in, and saw the boy was still laying down. It seemed he had been right, but the sound of the door opening had awakened him. [color=burlywood]"Hey.. how are you feeling?"[/color] He asked him. [color=#a7d3d4]"My legs hurt.."[/color] The boy complained as Lucien helped him sit up. [color=burlywood]"Do they hurt to move?"[/color] He asked him, to which Aurel nodded, grimacing slightly as he tried to move them. It was likely from all the exercising he had done, after all he hadn't had hardly any chances to move his legs properly up until this point. He knew this kind of soreness was normal, he had gone through it himself when he had started training with Faolan but.. probably not to this extent. [color=burlywood]"I could.. probably make it feel better.."[/color] He offered, if it was really too hard for him to handle.