Yeah I'm halfway through a character sheet, have been for a bit lmao, but I've spent like the last three days trying to wrap my head around the mechanics of this world. I want to make a sort of tinker-type character, smithing and scavenging, that type of thing, and a tiny smidge of electricity too, batteries or radios, but it's been an exercise in patience to navigate. My thoughts here are like... wood rots and decays and wont last, and without huge landmasses covered in forests wood is going to be a premium good, but loads of metals could be scavenged and made to float, and people have to build their boats out of something right? But what kind of tools would a waterworld engineer/technician carry? How could someone be mobile when the old styles of doing things require large af forges and shizz, so I've been researching primitive blow torches and how to charge batteries, and I'm like this close to saying fuck it and rolling a bard instead- which would suck because I've put a lot of effort and thought into the backstory, the inventory, the skill set, everything, I even made a psudo-religion!