[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=pink]Cuyler Eysteinsson[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/EvenUnknownBuffalo-max-1mb.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=pink]Location:[/color] The Palace Grounds -- Behind the Stands -- Midgard - The Castle [color=pink]Skills:[/color]Bow&Arrow; Enhanced Strength; Sword Play [/center][hr] Cuyler didn’t have much time to respond or even contemplate Arnora’s words about the vision she had seen. It didn’t really help his head and now with chaos ripping through the stands, Cuyler had to shift his train of thought quickly. He pulled his bow around and withdrew an arrow from its quiver and followed on Arnora’s heels where they came across their cousin Halley talking with Hodr and Baldur. He agreed with Arnora, it was time to get them out of there. If whoever was in the midst of this battle here for Baldur, keeping him here was a poor plan. In the meantime, the chaos was spreading. The fire was at bay thanks to Bruce but there were others, innocents falling and dying around them all. Cuyler wasn’t built like Halley, he couldn’t ignore these people and so started firing arrows at targets. Perhaps this was a sign Cuyler should stick to Asgardian things. In Cuyler’s attempt to save the innocents, he ended up killing two before he got a hit into the bad guys. Cuyler’s face fell and he dropped his arms, suddenly feeling extremely heavy. There were casualties in war but he had never killed innocents before. With all the chaos going on though, it was near impossible to get a completely clear target, especially with the bow and arrows. Cuyler put his bow away, stealing his courage and withdrew his sword, Borghild. Close range would be better for the time being. Thia, the loyal Night Transformer who currently looked like a Norwegian Elkhound, managed to get teeth on one of those attacking the Castle but they were able to get away from her before she could sink teeth in. She slipped in next to Cuyler and Arnora, growling and glaring at everything around her. Cuyler stepped forward again, finding a target and twisted his blade, angling it for the man’s side but the [b]Darke[/b] mage managed to conjure a blade of his own and blocked Cuyler’s blade and now the two of them are locked in battle. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#006400]Amarantha[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/244779337/original.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#006400]Location:[/color] The Throne Room -- The Palace [color=#006400]Skills:[/color] [/center][hr] There wasn’t much more room for talking when Arya, in the flesh rather than speculation showed up, Fleur with her as well. Ayra directed her attention to Amarantha and created a ball of [b]Fyre[/b] that made her tense in anticipation. If even a lick of that touched her, she would be finished. Luckily, Rowland stopped if from hitting her. [color=#006400]”As I hear it Ayra, you have turned over to the dark side as well. Who are you to judge me?”[/color] She looked at Rowland, seeming to ask him if he could handle her for the moment. Amarantha needed to get Luna out of here. She knew Valda wouldn’t leave and Mryus, as much as she didn’t want to risk his safety, was an asset. Amarantha pulled a couple of blades out of hiding and stepped in front of Luna, even as she started to throw a valiant speech towards Fleur. [color=#006400]”Perhaps now isn’t the best time,”[/color] Amarantha scolded Luna. They needed to get her out of here, to the Queen’s Room. Lennox moved in with his Commander and both started to take steps back, herding Luna from the room. Amarantha’s eyes remained watching Fleur. Valda may be discarding her, either to infuriate the witch or because she didn’t really see her as a threat compared to Ayra but Amarantha wasn’t going to discount a lover scorned, especially one that was as power hungry as Fleur was. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#1E90FF]Ahote Proudstar[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i0.wp.com/thegameofnerds.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/377619b23f97240a4c502d3962b7e496-1.gif?resize=560%2C308&ssl=1[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#1E90FF]Location:[/color] Outside The Throne Room -- The Palace [color=#1E90FF]Skills:[/color] Aura Sensing; Enhanced Condition[/center][hr] Ahote was left without an answer and was momentarily confused when Prince Mryus shouted they were under attack. No one in the throne room was attacking anyone, that was until seven people appeared out of nowhere. Ahote turned rapidly and watched the one in purple accuse Amarantha of failing the Castle. Valda moved in, trying to take the woman in purple down but could barely get a decent hold on her with the [b]Magyk[/b] chains. Ahote assumed all seven of these beings had some sort of [b]Magyk[/b] in them, especially when he saw the one in purple throwing [b]Fyre[/b] at Amarantha. As the woman in purple blocked Valda’s chain attacks, Ahote got a read on her aura. It was confused and dark. There had been a strength to her at one point, a kindness that was slowly being tainted. They had to get those chains on her, Ahote could see there was hope for this one. [color=#1E90FF]”Valda, timing. Wait for the opportune moment,”[/color] Ahote stated, falling into the easy mode of teaching and training. He turned back to Ayra and charged ahead, pushing himself to a faster pace than the average human in hopes to catch Ayra off guard and restrain her. The spirits of the True North were with Ahote, seeming to guide his moves effortlessly and Ahote managed to get Ayra restrained. [color=#1E90FF]"Now!"[/color] he shouted towards Valda, in hopes her trick would work better for them at this time. If all else fails, put them on manually.