[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191217/01aa794603b571c65262ae1762d30edb.png[/img][/center] [Color=darkgray][b]Time:[/b][/color] Night [Color=darkgray][b]Location:[/b][/color] Ember Grove Streets [Color=darkgray][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] [@Tae] Rose [hr] [Color=darkgray]"Paris."[/color] Damien sighed. [Color=darkgray][i]Yes, the place where you left me high and dry and set me up. The beginning of the end of my witchhood.[/i][/color] Damien found it hard to continue both the charade and speaking to Rose, but the fluttering of Lucy's wings above helped focus him. [Color=darkgray]"One of the worst days of my life. But also one of the best days. I went to do that whole crazy ceremony and almost no one showed. In fact, some pretty high ranking coven members came through instead. They kicked me out of Europe and back to Portland I went…"[/color] Damien paused as he took a deep breath. This was clearly hard for him to share. He gritted his teeth and closed his hands tightly. [Color=darkgray]"My coven took away my ability to perform magic. It was…"[/color] He seemed to hold his emotions at bay with another deep breath. [Color=darkgray]"It was rough, but it taught me a few lessons that I carry with me wherever I go. And it kept me from being an idiot kid using dark magic… Sorry."[/color] He said the last part solemnly. If Damien was truthful in anything, it was that he deeply regretted everything in Paris. He regretted including Rose and the others in the use of dark magic. He regretted trusting them to support him. And tonight he was sure he would regret not giving in to the violent thoughts he had only moments ago. [Color=darkgray]"And he Holy Saviors… You mean you haven't heard [i]anything[/i] about this?"[/color] Damien stopped in his tracks and looked at Rose in confusion. [Color=darkgray]"Has your coven not been keeping contact with anyone?"[/color] Damien played shocked, but he knew the nature of many covens. They liked to solve their own problems and keep their own secrets. That's what made them easy to hit. [Color=darkgray]"I only really know about them because I've been trying to keep tabs on them in order to get away from where they're the most active. They're fast though… I was in Atlanta when they hit the coven there. I should have probably stayed and helped them, but I can't do anything as I am and I… the best I can do is try to help you guys before they swell up here… Has anything happened with them in town recently?"[/color]