[Center][Img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191214/8e56722d95e9977924d804e9c20bf8ba.png[/img][/center] [Color=tan][b]Time:[/b][/color] Past Dusk [Color=tan][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Pit [Color=tan][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] [@AtomicNut] Lupin and [@Pyxis] Lilith [hr] [Color=tan]"You gotta be kidding me… Angel, you are really something y'know."[/color] Sean said as he parked his truck across the street from the pit. He looked through his tinted windows and chuckled at the sight. Sure, it was amusing, but not in a good way. Angel only made Sean all the more suspicious about her activities. [Color=tan][i]Is this some kind of diversion? All I see is a geezer talking to a girl that could be her dad… or worse. Not a common sight, but a gold digger with her sugar daddy?[/i][/color] Sean let out a disgruntled sigh before he opened the automatic windows down some to get a better look at the two conversing outside of the club. [Color=tan]"The young inherit the future and this young lady will inherit all of this geezer's cash… Time for a hearing test."[/color] Sean said softly as he cut the truck's engine and grabbed his pistol. He dropped the full magazine into his free hand. He locked the slide to the rear, loaded the magazine, and finally hit the slide release lever to allow the slide to move forward with a loud click. Sean followed up by pulling the hammer back. The sequence of clicks could never be heard by the average human, but a vampire or a keen werewolf had the capability. This trick was one Sean picked up from his childhood friend Keith. [Color=tan][i]"Use their senses against them. Taunt them with something a human can't see or hear and just wait to see if a vamp bites. Like using selective bait." Let's see if they bite Angel.[/i][/color]