Due to the low quality of her sleep, Penelope woke up the next morning earlier than normal. She rubbed her eyes, feeling groggy from the restless sleep. Though she hadn't had any dreams, it felt like her mind had been going even while she was unconscious. For a moment, the knight was tempted to just lay back and try to get in a couple more hours of sleep. However, she doubted she'd be able to fall back asleep so instead she swung her legs over the side of her bed to get up. After getting herself ready for the day, she headed off to the Great Hall for breakfast. The knight was still quite nervous about how Crow's meeting with Albin would go but there was nothing she could do to help so the next best thing was to just try and focus on other matters of the day. Of course, the proper way to do so was by grabbing a bite to eat first before she went on to prepare for the upcoming trip back out to the warfront. Pulling the door open,she stepped into the Great Hall and looked around for familiar faces. Unfortunately, it seemed she had arrived just a bit too early for anyone she usually sat with so instead she made her way over to an empty table and sat down. She sat there for a short time alone before one familiar face did enter the Great Hall. Only, it wasn't one that she wanted to see. Cedric stepped inside and almost immediately spotted the knight, briefly locking gazes with her. Penelope clenched her jaw and quickly turned her gaze away from him, in an attempt to give the male knight the hint to leave her alone. Of course, that hint went unacknowledged as Cedric made his way over to the knight ,who was finally dining alone for once. He hesitantly slid in across from her and offered a small smile. "What do you want, Cedric?" Penelope grumbled. After the stunt he had pulled at the party, her patience with the male knight was wearing thin. "Just to apologize." he claimed, raising his hands up defensively. He frowned, "I meant what I said at the party but that gave me no right—" "No it didn't." Penelope shot a glare at him. Cedric shrunk slightly under her gaze. "—and I'm sorry for the way I behaved. I was just hoping I could get you to see me the way I see you." he let out a soft sigh and rested his elbows against the table. "I hope you can forgive me." Penelope fell silent as a servant brought their food over. While she was still quite upset with the male knight for his actions, she supposed most of the anger stemmed from the fact that she was already taken. But Cedric had no way of knowing that since her and Crow had yet to go public with their relationship. Though reluctant to voice it out, a bit of her fire died down as she poked at her food, considering the male knight's words.