[center][h2]Arash[/h2] [h3]Shinto Town, Café Oasis[/h3][/center] Arash gazed down at the outfit his Master had given him in slight confusion, but began to get dressed with little more than a shrug. The clothes of the modern era were strange and foreign to Arash, and yet he managed to put them on without any sorts of trouble on his part. He suspected this was largely due to the influence of the Grail, which simply added more questions about the strange wish-granting device. Arash understood that the Grail gave Servants a sort of overview on the modern era, but it only seemed to go into greater detail on information which could directly impact the war. For example, Arash had no knowledge of the history of the nation he was in, and yet he did know the general layout of the specific city where the War would take place, Fuyuki (as well as it's name, apparently). [i]"I suppose any object such as the Grail would be difficult to understand,"[/i] Arash thought as he finished dressing, tying a simple knot on the... apron, that was it, that composed his uniform. Arash looked down at his current outfit with a thoughtful look on his face. It seemed that his Master ran some sort of restaurant, a rare occurrence back when Arash still lived. To add to this, it seemed that the Grail didn't deem proper serving etiquette necessary for participation in the War. "This is going to be a strange few days," Arash murmured to himself. He swiftly moved to follow his Master to the main area of the restaurant, Oasis, if the words on the apron were to be believed, just in time to see his Master open the door. Arash frowned at the strange sort of mask his Master had donned. It seemed to be a good model for how to act as a server (which was [i]exactly[/i] what Arash needed at the moment), but Arash could sense a deeply embedded bitterness rise up in his Master alongside it. This feeling greatly contrasted with the easygoing aura his Master had given off not too long ago, and Arash wondered what could be the cause of such strong malice. Nevertheless, Arash made to stand in the middle of the restaurant, hoping that he didn't look [i]too[/i] uncomfortable. [@Breo] [@Reflection]