There were really only two characters I actually fell in love with. Both of them were Japanese characters. Both of the role-plays were kind of rabid fire, but one role-play had more lengthy posts than the other. It caused us to stay up late, reply as fast as we could, etc. One of them was about a Vampire who fell in love with a teenage girl (of age). The other was about a rich teenage male (of age). He had one of those "jerks" with a heart of gold. The other wasn't as much. It was interesting to play the rich life and watch the rich guy fall in love with a girl that was-...she wasn't exactly poor (but of age). But definitely not his class. Neither characters were afraid to go after what they wanted and they'd immediately step in when someone tried to interfere. The girl who wrote the one about the rich was brilliant at leaving cliffhangers at the end of her posts. Something I caught on to. This role-play got pretty intense and then became a Yakuza role-play. There were so many interesting characters and love stories that intertwined with one another. It was one of my favorite role-plays ever written to the point I would read it once a year. Both were amazing at allowing their characters' body language and choice of words to convey the situation as well as write actions that move the role-play forward. I don't know how much I should give away.