“Better than usual,” Crow answered Penelope’s question congenially. As they spoke, he pointedly ignored the nobleman sitting across from them, making it clear who he had really showed up for. They might have been keeping their relationship quiet until after he brought up the subject with his father, but now that her part in ending the war had been completed, he was less inclined to keep feigning total disinterest around her ex suitor. If that made Cedric unhappy, then it was all the better. He glanced impassively at the other man as he inserted himself back into the conversation. At first, his hint and chuckle confused the viceroy, but he realized what Cedric was trying to say when he tracked his gaze to the table of noblewomen. It was hard to tell if the nobleman truly thought he was as disreputable as everyone else seemed to believe or if he was just trying to make him come off like a miscreant, but either way, the comment made him roll his eyes. He hoped the ridiculous accusations would end when he and Penelope began courting publicly. He was getting tired of fighting off all the heroes who treated him like some villain taking advantage of a damsel in distress. “They weren’t really my kind of ‘entertaining,’” he shrugged, deciding not to humor Cedric’s insinuation. “Most of them didn’t have anything interesting to say. I suppose I got along alright with one of them. Fye,” he glanced at Penelope with a thoughtful smile. “But even she turned out to be just as shallow as the rest. I prefer women who are true to themselves and who don’t act like aristocratic ragdolls.” Or, more specifically, one woman who had stolen his heart years ago. Turning back to Cedric, Crow studied his face for a moment before he broke out in a smirk. He couldn’t say outright that he was planning to be with Penelope, but he couldn’t pass up the chance to ruffle his feathers a little. “Besides that, I’ve already made my choice,” he went on airily, pressing his leg against the knight’s when he felt her touch him beneath the table. “There’s one woman in this castle who I’ve had my eye on for a while. If all goes well, we’ll be courting by tomorrow.” He shot the nobleman a sly wink. “But I’m going to keep her name to myself.”