Definitely color me interested. What archetypes haven't been given a slot yet? I know the goal is to avoid a spread that's too much focused on one archetype, but I do want to make sure what areas are being preferred currently. As it stands, I do also have another question, tied to one of the three ideas I'm looking at. Recycling variats of characters I've played before to save me with brainstorming time. Anyways, would a character with their own small handful of soldiers be acceptable for a character who follows an alignment close to lawful neutral? As for actual ideas Idea one is an alien archetype with a hint of magic to them. Alien dragon from a far away system that popped up on Earth in the relative recent past, and collects the works of humanity. Various cultural stuff. Fellow can take on a human form to blend in of course. While relatively neutral in the sense he's not an actual hero or villain, could be swayed to the good side. Mystic side would be having access to what his race dubs magic, but is really just manipulating the elements. Idea two is another alien, but more techno, alien dragon who wanders the cosmos as a mercernary with their own ship. Might have some magic, but is more prone to using advanced tech where they can. Would be lawful neutral, but could be convinced to lean the good way. Idea three, yeah, another alien, because I like aliens. Leader of a small force that travels from planet to planet, akin to the merc, but is actually a collector. Lawful neutral in that they do follow a set of rules, but also judges civilizations they come across, and thus could lean good or hard into being a "villian" in the interest of making the world better. Depends on how interactions go down. Fourth idea I had is just doing a techno, maybe a cyborg or something. Not really sure there. Well this was an unintended dump of info, but if none of these ideas work, I can drop back to the drawing board and see what works. Just found this really caught my interest, and wanted to see what would stick to the board once thrown. Thanks in advance for feedback.