[center] [h1][color=03FCDA]Amara bint Mahmud ibn Hāshim Seif [/color][/h1] [h3] Shinto Skyscraper, Shinto Town, Fuyuki City [/h3] [hr] [/center] [color=03FCDA]“It has, for better and worse. I don’t think I’d really enjoy the quality of life the past held, but it must be nice living in an era where mystery and mana were abundant! It is sorta sad, when you think about it. You get to come to the modern era, but we can’t visit the past.”[/color] A sad sigh escapes her. [color=03FCDA]“I guess that’s just how it is. Still, I’m glad you’re at least kind of pleased with the modern world. It would be sad coming back to a hellscape, wouldn’t it?”[/color] Or at least, not an advanced hellscape. The world was always hellish, but in a different way. It was imperfect. That was the world’s problem. --- [color=03FCDA]“Thanks, Mr. Cab man! Stay away from the Commerce District! There’s a crazy guy there!” [/color] Amara waved the Cabbie goodbye as it drove off, giving him the best advice she had. Hopefully it would keep him away from the Hercules that was destroying the city. She couldn’t bear to think about the kind of destruction such a powerful man could do. Truly, there wasn’t a more dangerous Servant than Heracles. With the cab out of sight, Amara began to stretch. [color=03FCDA]“Well, here we are Caster! Did Alexandria have anything like this in your time? B-besides the lighthouse. That one is disqualified, it being an Ancient Wonder and all.”[/color] Banned. [@BB] [hr] [center] [h1][color=FBC417]Nebuchadnezzar II [/color][/h1] [h3] In Front of Matou Estate, Foreigner's District, Fuyuki City [/h3] [/center] [hr] [color=FBC417]“Of course! What kind of King would I be if I couldn’t protect but a single vassal? If I can’t protect one person, then my title of King is worthless.”[/color] He, dramatically of course, walked in front of his Master. No harm would come to her for as long as he was around. It was his job to shield the world. One little(?) girl was nothing compared to the weight he would have to hold after this war. Despite talking about protecting his Master, he didn’t take any real defensive stance. He was on guard, of course, but not trusting potential hosts was rude. If they didn’t want to be proper hosts, that was their problem. Nebuchadnezzar couldn’t go around breaking such simple hospitality. [color=FBC417]“Yes, rules like these were common around mine era as well. You always honor your enemy, no matter what. You never strike from the shadows, it was the mark of a coward. You always show kindness to those who offer it to you. These are just some of the rules that humans must follow. Even animals are willing to follow these rules to an extent. A well trained dog or cat will never harm anyone who shows kindness to it. Though, an animal which has never been shown compassion will never understand that. The same applies to humans, of course. Tragic, isn’t it?” [/color] Ah wait, he was ranting. He cut himself off before he could really start going. [@kyoka] [@Phlogistinator]