“Wow, this is a lot to take in before breakfast.” Pylia says as Shortfang hands her a bowl of soup. “Memories huh? I can’t say I know anything in particular. I’ve heard some northern elves specialize in dreams though. Workings of the mind. Perhaps we could journey up there or find an elven mage who could help jog your memory?” Pylia also looked and nodded towards Buddy. “It would be helpful for Buddy as well. Though I’m not sure if he sleeps or not.” Buddy shakes his head confirming that he does not sleep, however he writes a note voicing his opinions. [b][i]”I would gladly seek out any means to learn of lost memories.”[/i][/b] Shortfang finishes off any soup that isn’t eaten and wipes his face down. “Shortfang could ask Greyscale. They super smart, know all Sorta lore. Maybe they know some thing for boss’ mind.” As Pylia goes to handle some personal business in the water closet Buddy shows her something from his journal. “Oh yes, Don’t forget We have some business from yesterday to attend to as well. We should stop by Ferric’s shop and pick up our items as well as see Shor about those criminals we brought in.”