[b]The Next Morning[/b] Saya awoke from nightmare-haunted sleep to get ready for school, as if it were any other day. Despite the night's events, she actually felt pretty good. Not exactly rested, but she still felt more energy than she had in a long time, and the little aches and pains of her everyday existence had disappeared overnight. She felt better than she had in months. It was with a spring in her step when she went about her morning routine and made her way to school. "Shizuka~ Good morning!" She greeted one of her friends quite energetically. "Good morning," her bespectacled friend replied. "How are you today?" "Great. Like, honestly never felt better." The small talk continued on the way to school, with Saya occasionally distracted by something seeming a little...off, but there was no way for her to really tell what that even meant. It was a bit of nagging that something she saw was amiss, but at a glance, that was it. Something saying in her head something was off somehow that she'd never noticed before. And bothersome as it was, she had other things distracting her from dawdling too long. [hr] By noon that day, everyone has probably at least noticed one of the other new tagers. Even when not transformed, they'd be able to identify someone right away if they were in the same room, either by the same sense they could use to pick out anything inhuman, or the mental link that can form over at least short distances regardless of the form they take. It's lunch time, and that's the perfect time for classes to mingle or people to meet up in the cafeteria or elsewhere around the school building.