[@ObsidianNoir] [h1]Rapheal Dimund[/h1] [b]Miyama Town[/b] Well if the broad daylight assassin said it wasn't the best idea, who was I to argue? Gesturing with is head, they calmly turn back around while Rapheal thinks of what of been off. First point is that William Fleur is one of the more well known candidates here who specializes in Illusions, so no matter how open they looked their it may very well of been a trap to get people like him. Second is that they knew someone was near them like he did them via the Command Seals and their own Servants keeping them on edge or aware enough. Sighing for almost being reckless him and Assassin keep walking over the rest of Miyama town. Figuring to reach a point to head over the Bridge to Shinto District they hear over passing civilians of something going down in the Commerce District. Apparently someone calling themselves Heracles was doing stunts and Yoyo tricks of all things, this was too obvious of a call. But it still brought some benefits, since anyone who heard this would most likely gather to see if Heracles really was summoned, a terrifying thought. "I'm tempted but this would be really risky. I honestly don't want to tangle with Heracles this early if I can help it and whatever other Servants that pop up because of it. The incoming chaos could benefit us and the warning of the Command Seals or Servants would be useless in that kind of gathering." Slightly frowning while puffing a bit more at his pipe he continues."I may want to try keeping to the edges, close enough to engage but far enough to hightail it if need be. What's your take?"