[hider=Sebastian Albright] [center][img]https://www.hollywoodoutbreak.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/seal-team-david-boreanaz-05-350x520.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name: [/b]Sebastian Albright [b]Alias: [/b](Call Sign) Alpha One [b]Age: [/b]33 [b]Gender: Male [/b]Male [b]Appearance: [/b]5'11, 190 lbs. muscular. No tattoos. He has multiple scars on different parts of his body. [Gear] [b]Attire: [/b] When not engaged in a full on operation, Sebastian wears simple street clothes: jeans, athletic shoes, t-shirt, hoodie, and usually a ball cap of some kind. When it’s time to go live he puts his tactical kit on. [b]Armament/Equipment: [/b]HK416 carbine (D10RS), x7 magazines. Kimber .45 APC, x 3 magazines. GG&G tactical tomahawk, full complement of tactical protective gear. Radio. First aid kit. When not on the job he conceals a covert model .45 everywhere he goes. [Temperament & Lifestyle] [b]Affiliation: [/b]FBI, New Haven Branch [b]Personality/Habits: [/b]Sebastian lives a quiet, secluded life when he is not on a mission. His years in special operations conflicts have completely disconnected him from the normal world and he finds it very difficult to relate to people. His outlets are maintaining his physical fitness, hand to hand combat, and reading. Though he is a student of warfare, Sebastian has a great interest in reading philosophy. He secretly loves poetry (though anyone who has ever discovered this has mysteriously gone missing). [b]Occupation/Trade: [/b]Special Response/Hostage Rescue Team, Variant Division, Alpha Team Leader [b]Skills/Talents: [/b] His abilities are almost exclusively combat related: proficiency with a wide variety of weapons, unarmed combat techniques, tactics, and first aid/survival. However when the day’s training is done and he is all alone, Sebastian sometimes jots his thoughts down and he has become a rather eloquent writer [b]Family: [/b] He has a younger sister, Stephanie. She is the only thing that keeps him grounded to any semblance of humanity. If anything should happen to her he would surely lose his soul. [b]Background: [/b]Sebastian and his younger sister had a rather unstable upbringing. Their parents were divorced when they were very young, and they moved with their mother from place to place as she tried to find some way to give them a steady life. However, even though they were in a different school each year, they had each other and they were happy. They finally ended up in New Haven when Sebastian started high school, and that is where they stayed. Sebastian went into the military as soon as he was legally able to. It had always been his dream to find adventure and friendship, and to see the world. However the path he went down showed him a side of reality that changed him forever. After a few years of grunt work he was selected for Special Forces, and while with that group he found himself engaged in many covert combat and counter insurgency operations across the world. He became the embodiment of warfare and was eventually selected to join Delta Force. However, as the operations grew more ambiguous and the line between justice and terrorism became more and more blurred, Sebastian found himself wondering if he had given himself over to the war effort so much that he had completely lost his way. Back in New Haven, the FBI had found itself a in a constant counter intelligence war with the organization N.O.V.A. Though initially partnered in dealing with the increasing Variant threat, there began to be far too many conflicts of interest and contradicting methodology. Trust deteriorated between the two agencies and the FBI was left to develop its own solution to managing Variant activity, especially the disappearances of very high-profile individuals that had become more and more frequent as of late. They stood up a new, highly specialized division of their special response program as the answer. It consisted of two direct action teams surrounded by a sophisticated network of technical support and logistics staff. Dealing with Variants, they could not rely on the normal recruiting process; they began pulling directly from military special operations across all services, buying out their contracts from those who were willing to volunteer. Sebastian took that deal. It was the chance to set his skills to work for a new cause, one that needed people like him. It was also his chance to see his sister Stephanie again, even though he was sure she hated him for leaving. Maybe one day she would understand and could forgive him. But until then, he had a job to do.[/hider]