[h2]Sir Lancelot and Letitia Arkoniand[/h2] "You noticed it?" Lancelot said, seeing the carcass dissolve and the mist fade away. Being a magical spirit made awareness of these things all but unavoidable... not that it helped with identifying where it had gone; that was more skill-based than a feeling of "it's all gone somewhere". Of course, at this moment, there [i]was[/i] a magus leaping down from the stands, cushioning the blow with Reinforcement and popping up to stand head and shoulders taller than the king: Saber's Master. "The mana isn't just gone, it's been drained--south-west, I think there's a park in that general direction." [hr] [h2]Alkyrieaze von Einzbern[/h2] "Is it important that the Arena is undetected? Unless we think the culprit is there, I'm sure there's enough Servants there to sort it all out."