Will probably edit this a bunch of times, but I'm basically done. [hider=Gotta jingle dem keys] [center][u][h1]Guild Membership Card[/h1] [/u][hr][hr][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5iMWRkZmMuVG1saElFTnNZWFpwY3csLC4wAAAA/lovers-quarrel.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/a94d42ca062d369c78bfcf1f0c950b25d1d8172e/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f436538656e2d6e715a6e416363673d3d2d3437383233383339372e313465616261643930383537393566373432353033323133353634322e6a7067[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXNa251-tlA]Please believe in me, as I will protect you to the end.[/url][/sub][hr][hr] [h3]Personality[/h3] [sub]Poised, graceful, and with one hell of a resting bitch face, at first Nia comes off as a quiet girl. So long as she keeps her mouth closed, she can be mistaken for a cold if somewhat distant person. The truth is the complete opposite; her cheerful and bubbly way of thinking often dominating everything she says the second she starts talking. She has no issues offering her opinion on a matter, and is generally open minded, making her easy to talk to and she can talk to just about anyone. She has a rather positive deposition, an optimistic view on nearly everything, and likes to look for the silver linings in even the worst situations. She will never let you down, even the idea of disappointing someone makes her always put in her total effort. As a result she is quick to help out those in need. Still, she puts a lot of pressure on herself even if she is told to take it easy. Polite and usually keeping a calm head, she comes off as more of a caretaker than a wizard. Despite her warm and gentle nature, however, she seems to avoid opening up to people even though she likes it when people confide in her. Her tendency to keep people at a distance is somewhat contradictory, often confusing people, and she has a lot of trouble expressing her emotions properly. Should she be crossed, she keeps her gentle demeanor, though becomes exceedingly passive aggressive. Her observational skills are astute and she weaponizes it when she's angry or annoyed, taking a delight in honing in on people's weaknesses, addressing them with a misleading smile. [/sub] [h3]Appearance[/h3] [sub]Standing at a height of 5"8', Nia is a lovely girl with fair skin and long, pink hair. Her big, baby blue eyes are her most noticeable feature, her heart shaped face giving her a rather innocent look. She has a fairly slim body type with a few curves, a modest bust and hips, and willowy legs. She tends to move gracefully and often has a gentle expression. Her clothing leans towards elegant, preferring clothing that flows with her.[/sub] [center][color=87CEEB][i]“Let's all do our best, okay?”[/i][/color][/center] [indent]| N a m e: | [indent][i]Ourania Clavis[/i][/indent] | Alias|Nickames|Titles: | [indent][i]Happily insists on being called [b][color=skyblue]Nia[/color][/b].[/i][/indent] | G e n d e r: | [indent][i]♀[/i][/indent] | A g e: | [indent]20[/indent] | R a n k: | [indent][i]A[/i][/indent] | Guild Membership Status: | [indent]Happily active for almost four months![/indent] | Guild Seal Location: | [indent][color=pink]Upper right thigh[/color][/indent] | History: | [indent]Born to Governor Uranis and his wife Raine, Ourania was raised in a sheltered environment. Aside from questionable parenting choices, there wasn't much excitement in her life until she finally received her mother's blessing to start making contracts with Celestial Spirits. She naively assumed that she would get to spend the better part of her life studying the spirits and practicing magic, only to be given a rude wakeup call in the form of an arranged marriage. The fire of rebellion was sparked afterwards, and with keys and a few belongings in hand, Nia left her home in search of adventure. It was easier said than done, with her mother often using her father's influence to send out a bill to multiple guilds to return her. It happened about three times until Nia finally wised up to it, devising up a better-thought out plan of escape. To ensure her success, she played along while doing a little research on where to go. She decided she would get as far away as she could, out of any of her family's reach, and settled on White Harbor as her destination. There was a minor hitch in her plan, but she delayed it until the last possible minute, fleeing the estate and jumping on a ship. After arriving, she realized just how harsh the area was and made her first priority finding some sort of employment. While at the tavern, she overheard a pair complaining about the current guild. As far as she was aware, she hadn't heard of any guild in the area, and realized it was the perfect place to work and hide among the other wizards. She arrived at the guild hall still wearing her [url=https://pm1.narvii.com/6967/6c2a03d2f433c1c3e58a99636ea0fb5247ab1d8br1-1447-2047v2_hq.jpg]wedding dress[/url], asking to be let in.[/indent] | Magic: | [indent]{ Celestial Spirit Magic } Nia is a Celestial Wizard whose magic comes in the form of using Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. Celestial Spirit Gate Keys are magical keys that can be used to summon Celestial Spirits, powerful beings from another dimension. Her specialization is utilizing the Star Dress spell, a Celestial Spirit Magic Spell in which the user incorporates the power of a Celestial Spirit into their body. The power manifests itself in the form of a wardrobe change in the form of an outfit centered around the Spirit in question's own wardrobe. By adopting the powers and appearance of the Spirit they choose, the user also adopts a portion of their powers, being able to make use of their magic. [hider=Current Keys in Possession][color=DAA520][ Gate of the Water Bearer: Aquarius ][/color] ♒︎ [i]Summons the water bearer, Aquarius. The spirit's temperament and outright refusal to follow orders often results in the two bickering whenever she is summoned. She has mastered the [url=https://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2014/07/18/398782/73aa6a8a20d514688422115fcefea249-700.jpg][b]Star Dress Form[/b][/url] associated, gaining the powers of the celestial spirit. Aquarius' domain is [b]Water Magic[/b], granting her the ability to manipulate the element.[/i] [color=DAA520][ Gate of the Maiden: Virgo ][/color] ♍︎ [i]Summons the maiden, Virgo. A stiff spirit, despite obeying any orders to a tee, she often insists on being punished immediately afterwards, much to Nia's dismay and discomfort. She has mastered the [url=https://www.pngkey.com/png/full/405-4057355_download-tidsean-image-pink-hair-maid-anime.png][b]Star Dress Form[/b][/url] associated, gaining the powers of the celestial spirit. Virgo's doman is [b]Earth Magic[/b], granting her the ability to manipulate the element.[/i] [color=C0C0C0][ Gate of the Charioteer: Auriga ][/color] [i]Summons a chariot pulled by a horse named Auriga.[/i] [color=C0C0C0][ Gate of the Shield : Scutum ] [/color] [i]Summons a grand shield whose size can increase depending on the user's power.[/i] [color=C0C0C0][ Gate of the Mirror: Meissa ] [/color] [i]Summons a a celestial being named Meissa that has a pair of mirrors that enable communication between them.[/i] [color=8B4513][ Gate of the Glass: Telescopium ] [/color] [i]Summons a spyglass used to see over far distances.[/i] [color=8B4513][ Gate of the Lyre: Lyra ] [/color] [i]Summons a lyre player whose voice and music are considered otherworldly.[/i] [color=8B4513][ Gate of the Furnace: Fornax] [/color] [i]Summons a small furnace that emits warmth around the area. Leaves everyone feeling nice and toasty.[/i] [color=8B4513][ Gate of Canis Minor: Nikola] [/color] [i]Summons a small dog. Friendly and cute, he makes for a good companion.[/i][/hider] [/indent] | Strengths and Weakness: | [indent][hider=Strengths][list][*]High magic stamina [*]High physical prowess and durability when using Star Dress [*]Knowledgeable on magic[/list][/hider] [hider=Weaknesses][list][*]Reliant on Star Dress for physical prowess [*]Reliant on keys for magic [*]Low physical strength[/list][/hider][/indent] | Miscs : | [indent]She occasionally lets slip details about her past, but outright refuses to talk about it even when caught. Contrary to the image above, her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/de/97/a4/de97a404c5b138788898f87fd75155af.jpg]usual outfit[/url] is more weather appropriate. The Clavis family was once hailed as a pioneer in magical item production, though it has been a long time since they had contributed to any recent discoveries. They have left their mark on Celestial Key creations, a majority of Bronze and Silver key designs credited to them. She apparently has a contract with another Celestial Spirit, but left the key behind when she left her home.[/indent] [/indent][/center] [/hider]