The knight let out a small breath and knocked softly on the wooden door before taking a step back as she waited for it to be answered. She listened as approaching footsteps told her someone was inside and soon the door creaked open as Oliver Lenz poked his head out to see who his visitor was. As his gaze fell on Penelope, a hint of surprise crossed his eyes. "Oh Penelope, hello." he greeted her then paused as he seemed to realize her reason for visiting them. "Ah do you have news about the king's decision? We haven't heard anything yet." Before she could open her mouth to respond another voice cut in. "Penelope's here?" Fast pace footsteps sounds across the floor as Dimia hurried over to the door. "It's about time! We've been waiting forever! Well out with it! Did he change his mind?" "I'm sorry I was caught up with other matters." Penelope said sheepishly. It was more so that it simply slipped her mind to update the Lenzs on the king's decision but naturally, she didn't want them knowing about that. Plus it wasn't the only thing she wanted to talk about anyways. "Do you mind if I come in to talk?" The couple exchange a glance before Oliver nodded his head and stepped out of the way to allow her entrance. The three moved into the room and sat down on the available spaces. The couple sat on the edge of their bed while Penelope moved to take the chair at the desk. The two looked expectantly at the night as they waited for her to tell them about what had gone on. "Well first off, the king did agree." she told them, offering a smile. "His council even officially approved it yesterday and they're moving forward with plans to negotiate peace with Younis." "That's great." Oliver nodded his head approvingly. "Yes and honestly, it couldn't have been done without your help." Penelope said sincerely. For all the times that Dimia had tested the knight, she remained grateful for what the noblewoman and her husband had done for her efforts to end the war peacefully. At the end of their time working together, she even found that she had developed a genuine respect and perhaps even a bit of fondness, for the woman she used to constantly butt heads with. Whether their improved relationship would remain or deteriorate was hard to say though now that they no longer had a common goal. Regardless, the knight bowed her head to them. "I can't express my gratitude enough. If either of you ever need something, know that I'll return the favor to the best of my abilities." The two were silent for a moment before Dimia spoke up. "Just keep us posted next time you decide to do something as grand." she said, smirking amusedly. "You're making quite the name for yourself, Vermillion, and I won't want to miss the chance to further our own." Her expression softened ever so slightly. "Now I know what my brother saw when he decided to court you." She shook her head and let out an exasperated breath. "Of course, he messed that up." Penelope blinked, a bit surprised by Dimia's words and how Oliver nodded in agreement. She cracked a smile and gave a small chuckle. "Well, if that's what you wish then I'll be sure to keep in touch next time I need assistance." she mused. The knight paused and then added, "Speaking of what comes next, I'll be taking my leave back to the warfront in a couple days now that I've done what I could here." "I see, well safe travels to you then." Oliver mused with a nod. Dimia pursed her lips together for a moment. "When you return....would you mind telling Gavin to return my last letter? He hasn't gotten back to me since we started helping you." Penelope gave a mildly surprised look before nodding her head. "Yes, of course." she agreed, setting the noblewoman at ease. "Thank you." Dimia nodded. Penelope gave a small smile and rose from her seat. "Well, that was all I wanted to say. I'll be heading off now. Thank you two, again." she said with a dip of her head. "Until next time, Penelope." Oliver returned the gesture. The knight smiled and turned to head out of the room. It was nearing time to meet up with Crow and with nothing left to do that day, she began her trip to the southern tower. Her hands fiddled nervously with the fabric of her cloak as she wondered what the outcome of his meeting with the king would be. As she exited the castle and crossed the courtyard, she took a deep breath as she entered the tower and began the long trek up the winding stairs.