[center][h1][color=tomato]Zoe Helena Alexandris[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3][i]Shinto Town[/i][/h3][/center] Too long had she suffered in this pit of torment, after having arrived upon metallic wings to bear her forth to Japan! Clearly too many were interested in the same thing as her as well...[b]but why did the line for street food have to stretch for sooooooooo loooooooooong[/b]?! It had made her almost cross with things, and those stupid kids trying to shove to the front of the line like the swine they were, though no true heroine could save the day if she could not show patience! So she had waited, until finally the handheld met skewer was glistening before her eyes and was held in her hand. Finally she could get something to eat, and they had also thrown in a free piece of toast with-...hmm? What was that? A commotion was being had, disturbing the meal of the city's great heroine! Something about a legendary hero back in the world? Wait, he claimed he was the mighty Heracles?! What was she to do? Where was she to go? Was it wont to follow in the footsteps of greatness, to seek a being long past by following the crowd to what would be a legendary encounter??? [quote=Orpheus] [i]“Master, I’ll be checking this out. Enjoy your meal. And make sure you’re still practicing when I come back!”[/i] [/quote] ...[b]EEH?!?[/b] She still had to practice at a time like this?! She was happy to learn, and had been very open to her servant's desires in this regard. However, the orange-haired girl seemed to pout, before sticking the slice of buttered toast in her mouth and running off in the direction of the crowd. The guitar slung over her back, something acquired en-route to Fuyuki for her to "practice" with at her servant's behest, lightly jostled as she bolted at a dead sprint for the Commerce District. [color=tomato][i]"Hey! Don't just leave me here alone, Teacher! I want to see Hercules too!!! I'll even practice there, I promise!"[/i][/color] she communicated back to her servant. With food in mouth, and the skewer in the small paper food carrying device it had been served in, the heroine thus sallied forth to the call of destiny! Though some around Zooe could not help but recall the image of a generic schoolgirl, running to get to class on time, as she moved past them. [center][h3]Moving to: Commerce District, The Totally-Hercules Power Hour Performance[sup]TM[/sup][/h3][/center] [@ReallyDumb] [hr] [center][h1][color=salmon] Berserker (Yamato Takeru)[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3][i]Miyama Town, ???[/i][/h3][/center] One thing was abundantly clear here...[b]her master was a total idiot[/b]. Not only was he a total idiot, but he was someone with no survival skills to his name. Even a small dog could probably kill the man, given the right chance to strike. It was that sad. It was also frustrating, like he was. Very frustrating. It had taken a lot initially to hold herself back from beating him to death. Yet his magecraft was at least something usable, so he was an 'idiot savant' if naught else, and his circuits gave her the juice to actually function and battle properly in this form. So she had to compromise to a 'certain extent' at a minimum, which she had been doing thus far, though most of said 'compromise' consisted of not butchering the man when he got on her already-live-wire nerves as a Berserker. With that in mind, she felt she was off to a great start for the day as compared to last time someone got on her nerves this much! [color=salmon]"What kind of half-assed, stupid question is that? Choose the damn beef one!"[/color] Of course beef ramen was the best. Did this man grow up under a rock, or in the back of some primitive cave?! By this point already he was pissing her off more, by wandering around in this stupid store for what felt like forever! Then again, it was less stupid than trying to charge out and kill a god without a divine blade in his hands. That she could concede to try to calm herself down. So in this case, she had resigned herself to sigh and grit her teeth somewhat for it all. Albeit she did empathize with the store clerk on this one. 'Sigh' indeed. Though despite the added frustrations of being laden with the bags of junk food as they left the store, her master did at least admit his level of pathetic weakness and stupidity. Well, at least somewhat. Sighing to herself internally, Yamato deigned to at least respond to the man. [color=salmon]"I'm surprised you've survived this far in life at all, much less doing anything else beyond that. But unless ya' stab me in the back, betray me, throw me to the dogs, or piss me off way too damn much somehow, you've got my support. So yeah, you can count on me. And believe me, you'll know if you piss me off too damn much,"[/color] the warrior responded, as blunt and brutal as she could be while still admitting her master could count on her. She'd been loyal to a man who wanted her dead much of her life...wasn't like serving a buffoon was any worse. So indeed, she would remain loyal to this man unless he 'overstepped his boundaries' as the more modern term put it. Besides, this man was her ticket to the Grail and her most precious wish. Anything else that stood in her way would get cut to ribbons, shredded like meat thrown to the wolves, and scattered across Japan's landscape in a bloody mess. That was a promise. Yet as they talked, Yamato's senses and instincts quickly rang in her head like an alarm. Ah. At least one servant was in the vicinity already, and all it took was a quick glance to the other side of the street to notice. A virtual giant of a man with white hair and tan skin, an utterly alien thing to Japan, sitting on a motorcycle and keeping some sort of careful attention on them. Without skipping a beat, Yamato held up one hand and 'shot a bird' to the motorcycle man with her right arm as the flimsy plastic bags slid down into the crook of her elbow. This was accompanied with a dirty glare, something that spoke further volumes of "f*** off asshole". She dared not speak it aloud, as she had no idea what her master would do if he knew at least one servant was around. There was also that odd couple with creepy vibes she saw a ways down...who were admittedly coming along the same path they were taking but in the opposite direction. Maybe it was just coincidence, but one of them appeared European physically and she didn't care to be nice to anyone that could be an enemy right now. Or perhaps she was just venting some amount of steam in all of this. Either way she tossed another even more rude gesture and dirty glare at the couple as well. Screw them too, whilst she felt pissed enough as it was. In fact, screw all of these idiots in this damned Holy Grail War at that! Maybe after this she could take some of her master's money and go to a hot spring. That'd soothe the nerves enough for sure, especially if she found some pretty girls there, despite her passively more frustrated and easily-ire'd state. Then tonight would be time to get serious-...eh? As another man exited the store, another seemed to run up to him and speak in a hurried voice behind them...just where Yamato could hear. Something about a big Greek hero guy performing in front of a bank? EH??? What the hell was a servant doing, pissing around and bragging in public?! Were they out of their goddess-forsaken minds?! Was her master hearing any of this crap as well? What in the name of the Emperor was going on with this day?! [@Reflection] [@Lucker13] [@ObsidianNoir]