Were it not for the bold young halfling woman speaking up, the other beast in their midst would have, and with one hand upon the tendril with the other keeping sword over shoulder it delayed for the moment. Both in voice and in action, fortunately, as the creature they were dealing with seemed not quite to be with the cult and its army. After all, why would it not just simply have attacked them rather than demanding to know of a mess? It was puzzling and the moon graced aspirant hadn't any good answers to this, at least none better than that of the bard and her surprisingly reasoned dialogue. There was no want of talk but also at the same time there was no need to fight this creature yet. Who it was, what it was, and why it was would leave that to be determined. If it was not with the cult, just some odd inhabitant of the cave much like the mushrooms, there was no reason to fight with it. Were it though, this might all become a troublesome contest given this creature's many long, slender limbs, which snaked around and reached. However, that would be addressed when it would become relevant, be it now or moment later should their little dialogue fail and the need to act become more pressing than the need to talk. [hider=Effects] Brannor will ready an action using his reaction to make the Strength check needed to break the creature's hold if any of the party is attacked by the creature.[/hider] [@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Zverda][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen]