Meesei did feel some guilt about the fact that she did not feel comfortable saying more about her ideas for a solution. It was true that she did not feel she could give them any guarantees...or that they would be comfortable with some of the risks. Still, looking ahead at the future of her pack, of all the people she cared about, she was resolved that she would be there to see it. She knew what she would do, and she just hoped that she could show enough confidence that the others would not be worrying about her. There was a grin that came across Meesei's face. "Indeed. I fully expect the bards to be irritating me with songs of our exploits within a few weeks. Or days." Even though her fears were unlikely to subside entirely, the attitudes of her packmates did comfort Kaleeth. They were candid, they did not deny the danger, but it all helped to remind her of what they had accomplished together. There were few as capable as they were together, and even with the confidence problems that Kaleeth sometimes struggled with, she could believe that she was a part of that as well. "Oh, well, I don't think I've ever heard a song sung about me before. I mean, I've heard them about Meesei before, and Sabine more recently, but I don't think people notice me too much." Ahnasha chuckled as she waded up alongside Kaleeth, craning her head up to look into the towering werecrocodile's eyes. She gave a few light, but distinctly audible slaps to her side. "Kaleeth, I don't see how anyone could 'not' notice you. You're really the kind of person that...makes an impression on people. Actually, I've been curious about something..." Ahnasha began, shifting her attention over towards Janius. "What's it like to have a mate who is so...powerful? Even in her normal form, Kaleeth here could throw [i]Lorag[/i] around."