[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=a187be]🌈 Leda Storm 🌈[/color] and [color=silver]✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/k4qpt7F3/Leda-Rebecca.gif[/img][hr][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Half-Blood - the Arena [b][color=a187be]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] While Leda had gone on the little trip to rescue the demigods from that school, she hadn't really realized that Kiera had been close with Ash. There was a large age gap between them and Leda had anticipated that would have killed any social interactions. It only made Kiera's lack of reaction to Ash's death even more perplexing. Was she heartless or something like that - to not care when her friend died? She wasn't about to ask her what her damage was, as tempting as that might have been. Leda still found her to be attractive, objectively speaking. Catching Mary's laughter, Leda turned and glared slightly at her friend, giving her a clear signal to [i]shut up[/i]. Tammy provided a welcome distraction, showing up with a shroud for Ash. [color=a187be]"Great, thanks sis,"[/color] she said, her eyes darting over towards Rebecca slightly. The shroud looked great, featuring the symbol of Hades - Ash's father - prominently and included her name as well. [color=a187be]"Okay, let's head on to the Cabin and fetch her things then, yeah?"[/color] Leda asked, wanting to more or less get a move on. She was a speedster, so her impatience was only natural and just amplified by having her ex-girlfriend there. If Arthur didn't need a mentor in terms of necromancy, she wouldn't have spoken to Rebecca at all. [color=silver]"Among other things, yes - she's the goddess of ghosts,"[/color] Rebecca explained to Arthur patiently. And while she did not share Leda's discomfort at being in the same environment, she wasn't dumb. She was aware that her help was not wanted here at the moment. [color=silver]"I'll begin teaching you afterwards, then,"[/color] she told Arthur, referring to the funeral. He hadn't said the word yet, something that Rebecca picked up on. There was much to do in preparation for journeying to Camp Jupiter in the morning. She needed to ensure that she had the most frequently used potions prepared, as well as a variety of common herbs at her disposal. Bowing her head slightly, Rebecca figured that she ought to check in with Zeke and the others going on the quest to see if they needed anything. She walked over to the group, waiting for a pause in conversation before interjecting herself. [color=silver]"Is there anything you'd like me to brew for you all or prepare?"[/color] Rebecca asked them, smiling slightly. [color=silver]"I could fetch some crystals to help direct your energies, as well, though I find that they are more effective if used over long durations and not just for short periods of time..."[/color]