Faolan simply smiled at Lucien as he ran his fingers across his palm. Occasionally, when he looked at him, he was entirely speechless. This was one of those moments. He followed Lucien inside once they were dressed and dry, leaving a towel wrapped around his shoulders so his hair wouldn't drip all over the floor of the trailer. It was about dinner time anyway, and though he had enjoyed every second of his alone time with his lover, he knew that the boy needed tending to as well. He closed the door behind them, noting the distinct temperature change from outdoors to inside. Faolan liked to keep the windows and door open when he and Lucien were "camping", but he knew the boy got cold easily, so he had closed everything up last night and did not want any of the warmth to leave. Luckily, Aurel had been sleeping the whole time they were outside. Faolan breathed a sigh of relief internally as the boy stirred and eventually fully awakened. He set about trying to dry his soaked hair as he and Lucien spoke, but paused when he saw the Nephilim reaching for the boy's legs. [color=a36209]"Lucien."[/color] he said, his voice suddenly stern. He stepped forward and laid a hand on the Frenchman's shoulders, and when their eyes met, he shook his head gently. Lucien looked up at him, clearly confused. [color=burlywood]"Why?"[/color] he asked, his brow furrowed slightly. Faolan's eyes landed on Aurel for a moment before he turned his gaze back to Lucien, switching to Irish, [color=a36209]"If you heal him every time he's hurt, he'll learn to rely on it. He had to be able to handle some things on his own...it's better this way, for when he decides to leave."[/color] Faolan knew that this may seem like cruelty to some, and Lucien may be included in that number, but the Irishman firmly believed that it was important to show the boy independence. Sometimes, one had to learn the hard way and could be stronger for it. After speaking, Faolan crouched down next to Lucien and the child, then returned to English, [color=a36209]"How bad is it, from a scale of one to ten?"[/color] Before they made any decisions about how to proceed, he needed to make sure he was not putting the boy through anything too awful. He didn't want to be unabashedly cruel to the child, but he wanted him to know that there was boundaries.