[center][h1][color=8493ca]"Io Sinclair”[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=ed1c24]”The Aurora” Club City “Aries”, Mars [/color][/h2][/center] Io spun a shot glass filled with gem colored gelatin between a thumb and a forefinger, the neon wash of lights that danced across every surface almost but not quite hiding the Earth sky blue stains of hair dye on her hands. The club was raucous as always, a heavy bass beat so visceral it was correcting the timing of her heartbeat. She tossed the gelatin to the back of her throat, bringing a delicate hand to her lips as if to ease the alcoholic undertones of the otherwise sweet shot. “Easy there, Blue.” The bartender, an older man with a handsome face regardless offered her a genuine smile, the only one she’d seen from him all night. “Don’t want your clients thinking you’re easier than you already are.” She tossed her wavy, newly dyed blue hair over a shoulder, gave him a withering look and a rude gesture. “Shut it, Indus. If I were a dumber broad I’d say you were jealous.” He shrugged, pushing another, larger glass her way. He leaned in close, so close she could smell the clean scent of his aftershave cut clear through the clubs musk. “Don’t look now, but bring this drink to the man over there, plum purple suit. The one that’s been making eyes at you for the past hour.” She lofted a brow. “It almost sounds like you’ve got us a job.” “Then your ears are as working as well as that dress. A Galileus political bigwig rang me up today, said we’d be getting a particular man in a particular suit who spends the rest of his time in his big fancy house with his beautiful wife and children on Callisto.” “Sounds boring, why are you wasting my time? Does your contact want him dead?” “Better. The mans name is Arric Timble, a reporter for an interplanetary news hologram. My contact said he is in possession of some very damning photos that could ruin my contacts career and position. Thankfully Timble keeps it on his person in that handy dandy little briefcase of his. A little more of this,” He pushed the drink towards her. “And a little less of that,” He gestures towards her dress. “And you should have full access to those files.” “What’s in it for me?” “A hefty paycheck and you get to see the photos?” She gave him a winning wink and a smile. “Sold. You know me so well.” “Unfortunately, now take him this drink. The ice is melting and his eyes are starting to wander elsewhere.” With a quick kiss on his cheek she grabbed the drink. “As if.” She spun, and began sauntering over towards the man in the plum purple suit.