[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/cJLLr4Fv/image.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/3N5hCKFC/image.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Vv7F6QDF/source.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Natsu][/center][hr][center][h3][color=FF1C06][b]The Hub - San Fransisco: December 24th, 2020 - 6:30 P.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][color=FF1C06][b][i]The Common Room...[/i][/b][/color] [color=add3ff]"I'm fine,"[/color] Novikova muttered, her shoulder screaming at her in pain but she pushed through it. Her ears were ringing and she didn't really hear what Oliver was saying, staring at the skrull that had been impersonating a team member. She didn't care that the skrull had bit her - well, that was a lie. Novikova was [i]infuriated[/i] that that had happened. She'd need to treat her wound later and make sure that the skrull hadn't injected her with poison or some sort of alien virus, but at the moment, all she really wanted was revenge. She extended her hand and Roman's knife flew into her grip. [color=add3ff]"Fuck. You. Asshole,"[/color] she cursed at the skrull, before driving the knife down into the creature's chest. The skrull tensed up, before becoming incredibly still - [i]dead[/i]. Novikova didn't care that they couldn't interrogate "Roman" anymore. She didn't care that she had probably just made studying this creature a lot harder in terms of its internal organs. All that mattered was the piece of shit who bit her was dead. [color=FF1C06][b][i]The Park...[/i][/b][/color] [color=hotpink]Now you're probably wondering - [i]gee, I thought Deadpool was narrating this story, but he just got shot with some fucking darts like it's Friday night at some crappy bar! What the fuck is going on with the inconsistent writing in this story?[/i] But no one likes a story where the heroes don't have at least some chance of winning. And it's not like these little darts take away my badass ninja skills. I don't even think I can die - Lady Death has the HOTS for me. Yeah, that's right Thanos, she calls me daddy too! But what's truly disappointing is that my true love, Peter fucking Parker, is NOT HERE! I'm Wade Wilson, I proudly sport Canada's Ass - I'm not some sort of drugged up prom date that you can ditch to go fight Vulture. Or is it Morbius now? I saw the trailer and let's just say I am confused. I thought Feige would have smacked that down! Aaaaanyways... Time to make the chimichangas![/color] Deadpool was laughing in his suit, pulling the darts out. [color=hotpink]"Wow, good job! Only two of you managed to hit me! But let's face it, you're S.H.I.E.L.D. agents - I know that you're not going to kill me. More of you than just B film Black Widow would get fired if you killed me over presents, isn't that right, Fido?"[/color] Deadpool said, petting the dog. The little puppy was barking and squirming happily in his arms. [color=hotpink]"Or should I call you Max? I'm not green but I do think I could be made Mayor of Whooville or whatever the fuck the Grinch was at the end of the day. Nightcrawler keeps saying chicks dig the fuzzy man anyways. Maybe he's onto something."[/color] Setting down the puppy named Max, Deadpool unsheathed his katanas and stretched slightly. [color=hotpink]"Maximum effort."[/color] Raynor and Bonnie both fired off inhibitor darts at Deadpool, but they missed. The doses Matt and Harry had delivered would keep Deadpool from being able to heal himself rapidly, yet they did nothing towards keeping the Merc with a Mouth down and getting back their presents. [color=d86615]"Damn it, Wade!"[/color] Raynor cursed, sending a blast of light at Deadpool. The mutant in the red suit jumped up into the air and over the blast with practiced ease. [color=hotpink]"Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me!"[/color] Deadpool taunted. He tried swiping his katana at Raynor, but only managed to cut off the Asgardian's shirt. [color=hotpink]"Oooh, nice abs,"[/color] Deadpool complimented, as Bonnie tried to set up the inhibitor field around him. Unfortunately, Deadpool caught her out of the corner of his eye and he spun around, kicking her in the jaw and sending Bonnie flying backwards. [color=hotpink]"Oof, put some ice on that sweetheart!"[/color] he advised. [color=hotpink]"Who's next? T and T? Gosh, you two are so quiet, it's almost like your writer hasn't given you any lines yet!"[/color]