Reassured by Han Solo's confidence, Kijani went to take a seat near Obi-Wan. The old man's blue eyes seemed to look right through her, and she had a brief feeling of amusement at being on the other side of such a stare. "The Force? Well, as I understand it now, it's something that's both in and around us. It is a part of life, and some people can harness it and do miraculous things with it. He also explained the light side and the dark side, and what can turn someone to darkness. We sort of argued about that. Is it true Jedi aren’t allowed to love?” Besides that, she had more questions. “Is it possible to teach anyone to be a Jedi? If it is, I would like to learn. I need to be… stronger.” There was something dim in her eyes, and it would be clear that she was still young despite being a leader. The girl Kijani underneath the titles and the crown and the danger peered out. “I need to protect everyone.”