Aurel thought about Faolan's question before answering it. The entirety of his leg hurt but.. he supposed if he were to look for the source.. it'd be around his thighs, which he motioned to for Faolan's reference. The boy listened intently to man's word's. It was a lot of information to process, and there were some words he didn't quite catch, but Lucien was quick to speak up and translate on his behalf. When Lucien was done, Aurel's eyes brightened slightly. [color=#a7d3d4]"Yes!"[/color] He exclaimed. [color=#a7d3d4]"I want to get stronger so I can run and climb again." [/color] [color=#a7d3d4]"I'm really good at it!"[/color] The thought of becoming stronger made the boy more eager to continue with this exercises. [color=#a7d3d4]"Can you two climb?"[/color] Lucien smiled at the boy's excitement. [color=burlywood]"I'm quite good at climbing."[/color] He responded.