Faolan did not hold his smile at bay when he saw Aurel's reaction to his final question. He was glad to see the child excited despite his pain, this was a good sign. [color=a36209]"Mm...I'm fair at climbing. I'm more of a runner...and a jumper,"[/color] he paused a moment, then added,[color=a36209]"Once you're all better, maybe you can show me some climbing tricks, eh?"[/color] He patted the boy's bedside. He stood and placed his hands on his hips, [color=a36209]"For now, a massage will help the pain."[/color] He glanced to Lucien, [color=a36209]"Maybe you could show him?"[/color] he did not want to pass it off on the Frenchman, but he wasn't entirely comfortable with touching the boy yet, especially on his legs. Lucien was better at the physical stuff anyway. [color=a36209]"If you're in too much pain to fall asleep, let Lucien know. Rest is important for getting stronger too."[/color]