Aurel's smile widened as Faolan asked him to show him. Honestly he didn't think there would be something that he could teach Faolan. He seemed to know so many things, so the fact he told him that made him look forward to getting better even more. [color=#a7d3d4]"Yes, I'd love to!"[/color] The boy responded. [color=#a7d3d4]"I can teach!"[/color] Lucien let out a small chuckle. [color=burlywood]"I look forward to seeing that."[/color] He commented, before nodding at the Irishman's words. [color=burlywood]"Of course, would you let me, Aurel?"[/color] He asked the boy, who then nodded. The more he heard the name 'Aurel' the more he liked it. Part of him was glad to not be going by 'Snake' anymore. It.. made him feel like a new person.. he.. was really glad he wasn't stuck in that place anymore. [color=#a7d3d4]"I'll tell him. I got plenty of rest vorhin."[/color] He added, considering he had taken quite a long nap after their swimming. [color=burlywood]"That means 'earlier'."[/color] Lucien spoke up as he went ahead and did as Faolan had asked, hoping to ease some of the boy's tension in his legs.