[h1]Rapheal Dimund[/h1] [b]Miyama Town[/b] Tempting, so tempting even with Assassins advice to just head on over if only due to a primal part of him wanting to see the mayhem up close. To maybe find that one moment and blindside a Master potentially. But it was still the first day with it far from being over, Night yet to come as well. So back to the original plan then, walking around and seeing if anything beneficial happened. Having enough scope of Miyama town, he decided it was time for the Shinto district. [b]Heading Towards Bridge[/b] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [h1]Servant Gunner[/h1] [b]Fruits of Ecstasy[/b] Honestly something like this would happen, but it was curious for a Servant to be out by themselves and not with their Master. How idiotic, truly people who knew nothing of War were treating this as a game, his own Master included. However his Master always seemed to have a purpose beyond his actions, bombastic as they could be at times and he hinted at a plan, confident in it. Manfred could find comfort at that, so he prepared while pusing Tobi out, keeping an eye on the Servant with Green Hair. Bringing up fruit of all sorts, some even with his new Knowledge hardly recognizing. With a knife he cut up slices and started arranging them, his Master giving short clipped messages of 'put those in a circle and those like a star about to burst with juice!' to his mind. He stares harder at the other Servant while doing so, feeling a short moment of camadire when they had the same blank look. Just like the Great War, one could find empathy with the Enemy.....except it was dealing with crazy Masters and not fellow Dog Fighters in those rare moments of talk. [@TehChron] [@ObsidianNoir] [@Remon]