The massage was a bit strange, but after a little while Aurel realized that it was actually helping. After he was done, Lucien picked him up and took him outside so they could eat. The next few days went by similarly. The boy's withdrawals had made themselves known again, but Lucien had been kind enough to continue to cleanse it for him. While Lucien and Faolan whether this method was correct, making the child have to deal with this had simply been too cruel. They had decided it would be best to see if Lucien's cleansing would actually make things better in the long term, before deciding what they should do next. Through the 'training' he continued to do, by the fourth day he was actually able to get up on his own, even though it did hurt to do so. It excited him to have been able to make this much process. By then, Lucien had decided he would be able to go to town and begin working, as the boy had grown just as comfortable with Faolan as he had him. With Lucien gone, Faolan and Aurel found themselves on top of a few rocks. He was currently holding a fishing rod awkwardly upright. [color=#a7d3d4]"Like this?" [/color]He asked, attempting to mimic the Irishman's posture.