[center][h1]S [color=red][i]i l h o u e t t e[/i][/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/I15iaon.jpg[/img] [quote=Silhouette][color=red]"Some people say 1000 year old characters in a kid's body is weird, but what about a kid in a 1000 year old body?"[/color][/quote][/center] Though her prior life as a cold-blooded assassin left her with a lot of blood on her hands, Silhouette, as a magical girl, was obviously far stronger than she had ever been before. If she were left alone with nothing but a lust for blood and her abilities, she was sure the humans in Penrose wouldn't put up much of a fight. And why? Because she was a magical girl -- a being who owned power far beyond what a normal person might even suspect was possible. She also had tamer abilities. A part of the passive gift bestowed up all Time-specialized girls was a perfect sense of time. She knew the exact second of the exact day of the exact week of the exact month of the exact year. A normal person would be jealous! It had an extremely obvious perk: being on time, all the time. So then... why the fuck was she always late? Penrose had this bad habit of being ground zero for events that could feasibly end life on Earth. Quite often, too. The coliseum, the graveyard, and now this. The only break had been earlier while they were forced into a beach dimension by some weird dolphin thing. But each time something of incredible significance happened, Silhouette found herself arriving on the latter half of it and being denied true involvement. She honestly couldn't tell you how she was able to fervently deny being disappointed all the times this happened to herself. Her fight with Penny being cut off. The magical steroid rendering her berserk. That magical girl who interrupted her fight with the knight. Having to abandon a fight just to come to this particular area to assist Tetrad. And now, after having done that, her involvement almost seemed pointless. She had minimal interaction with the Lich, and although she nearly landed a decisive blow, she wasn’t satisfied. She wouldn’t be even if she had done so. She wanted nothing but an entertaining, adrenaline-fueled fight if she was going to engage in combat. The tail-end of a fight was not capable of doing this for her. How disappointing. Silhouette allowed a heavy sigh to escape her lips, expecting combat as a whole to be over now that the lich was ‘redead’. But in the next instant, things began to seem to take an interesting turn. The trio that had assisted in finally killing the lich had now turned glares towards Silhouette and her two allies, and revealed themselves to be of the Ascendancy. [color=red]"Ah, this could only have a predictable end, couldn't it?"[/color] she complained, though her tone betrayed a hint of excitement rather than the listlessness it was probably supposed to come off as. This character lapse was then followed by a dry laugh, once Alex had spoke about them as if they were pirates. [s]Even with her character faltering, Dalton could not see Silhouette making a lewd joke, despite Alex [url=https://youtu.be/bkNaczNVWt0]Sett[/url]ing her up for it. But just know that he wanted to.[/s] [color=red]"This turn of events would make too much sense if we were guilty of anything other than being ‘impure’ by their standards. I’m not one who should talk, but as far as moral high ground goes, they’re more of an Anakin than an Obi-Wan, if you catch my meaning.”[/color] Silhouette explained to Alex, casually taking a verbal jab at them as well. The two seconds before they turned on her and the others didn’t really foster a strong enough relationship for her to really mind this ‘betrayal’ as it were, but she had to admit she desired her introduction to the Ascendancy to happen at a much later date. Of course if they were spoiling for a fight, she’d be happy to oblige. Samantha couldn't jump at such an opportunity, though. The safety of her fellow agent was a bigger priority, and she had the feeling that Veronica wouldn't take too kindly to her letting the others fend for themselves after she sent Sam here. For now, at least, she'd remain passive. She allowed the others to confront the Ascendancy directly. Though Samantha knew it was in vain, Mika pleaded with the three girls, assuring them that Sam and the others were of good character. Samantha’s features noticeably softened at this. How ignorant Mika was, but also so very adorable. Would she be upset if Sil explained that she was far from the kind person Mika was making her out to be? That pseudo-sadistic desire to lightly bully the girl was there, but there were more pressing matters at hand. She turned her focus back to the trio. Following Mika’s protest, Tetrad began to speak. Only something seemed strange. Now glancing towards Tetrad, it became apparent what that was. [color=red]“At least the spell stopped before you got dementia.”[/color] she joked, a bit surprised at herself for doing so. Perhaps ignoring it or just not hearing it, Tetrad continued on, addressing the trio of Ascendancy with feigned cooperation. Receiving the message via magicoms, Samantha gave a one-word affirmation. She almost hoped they would follow.