Both Ahnasha and Lorag started to laugh, though Kaleeth appeared somewhat confused as to why. She held Janius more tightly up against her side as a response to the attention. "I have not really...thought about all of that in that way. I guess I don't really try to figure out the meanings behind things, it changes me as a person. I I know I am happy, and I couldn't even think about having anyone as my mate other than Janius. It just feels like the way things are supposed to be. Is it bad for me to think about it so simply?" Ahnasha's laughter faded, and she could not help but to smile. "No, I think it means you have certainty. You just know what you want without so much as a doubt in your mind." The pack's time relaxing together extended far longer into the evening than they had initially planned. They did not return to any of the more serious and worrisome subjects for the rest of the evening, and instead focused on just enjoying the time they had. They reminisced about the past, as well as some of their old friends and acquaintances they had been able to catch up with recently, with all of the clans having been brought together. The future was uncertain, and it was difficult to talk about without that uncertainty manifesting. However, a satisfied past and the beauty of the present made it easy for them to enjoy their evening together. [hr] Surprisingly, Meesei did not feel like she dreaded it too much when it eventually came time for the pack to retire for the night. They had been granted a nice evening together, and they only started to move their separate ways once it felt natural to do so. If they tried to stay out any longer, not only would they likely end up sacrificing sleep, but trying to stay up together for too long would only call attention to those worries. While the others would need only to relax for the rest of the evening, Meesei had one last, personal task ahead of her. Although, first, she decided that she would pay a visit to Lunise. Meesei took the time to dress herself professionally to meet with Lunise in a public setting, even though it was likely unnecessary. Lunise was not even staying in the Dominion's section of the camp. Her role now was much the same as it had been since they had formalized their alliance with the Dominion, albeit now in a more military setting. She served as a liaison between Teroiah and the lycan forces, and had been ensuring the defense of the portal and forward camp would meet the Dominion military's standards. Meesei felt fortunate that Lunise had a diplomatic skillset; her superiors often selected her for these types of roles themselves, without Meesei needing to even request her assistance. When Meesei approached Lunise outside her tent, she did not even bother with the trouble of providing a "formal" reason to speak with her. Right away, Lunise would see all of the colors fade and the world around her freeze in place as Meesei took the two of them out of time. Simple movement was more difficult, but Meesei was able to lean in and open with a quick kiss. "Good evening. are you holding up?" Meesei asked. [hr] Kaleeth and Janius were the last to remain at the river, mostly because Kaleeth had never showed any desire to leave the water. She had remained in her werecrocodile form for their entire evening, as she evidently felt comfortable in it. She had certainly come far from being an uncontrollable beast who could easily be set off, even in her normal form. It was like her beast’s very nature had slowly become at least acceptably sociable. Kaleeth’s head emerged, slowly and partially from beneath the surface of the river. At first it was just her two eyes peeking up at him from above the surface, but she eventually moved close enough to the riverbank that she let her head rest up on dry land to speak to him. “I know it is getting late and everything, but do you mind if we just…stay here a while longer?”