Alright, so while these are all fairly solid sheets, ultimately I can only pick three of four of the batch. Logistically speaking, one [s]witcher[/s] warden isn’t going to be assigned five apprentices to take out into the field. I looked carefully at backstories, character tropes, combat styles, and there seemed to be a good depth of variety. There’s a lot to look at individually and unpack, but for the sake of keeping it simple I won't write out entire essays for why I picked certain characters over others. Everybody took an aspect that I think could’ve been improved on, but generally all got the aesthetic I was going for. In the nature of keeping the party well-divided, I also decided to pick two female characters and two male. As such I have accepted Louis and Thomas for the masculine roles and Sybil and Abigail for the feminine roles. This leaves Ragna out of contention, unfortunately. This was a difficult decision to make because, as pointed out to me, Abigail and Sybil both have the “anger small” dynamic and I don’t want too much overlap, however I justified this through the mere fact that both have two different fighting styles, backstories, and character arcs. How both characters adapt to the Blackwarden lifestyle interests me. In the future, slots may open up to non-warden roles, but for the time being this is it. I'll start penning the prologue arc's opening post immediately.