[quote]War. War never changes.[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/biDFHU0.gif[/img] [quote]By the time our tale begins, the story of the Courier has become one of legend and far-off memory. The energy provided by the Hoover Dam and the great Colorado River has allowed the New California Republic's growth to continue uninhibited. This growth has pushed the NCR's expansionist and imperialistic efforts ever onward. The Republic continued to expand sharpening itself on its rivals. What it could not devour it obliterated. What it could not obliterate, it simply outlived. For a time, the NCR was simply unchallengeable. [/quote] [img]https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IJMlOTBE7RM/V6EOZkCRw6I/AAAAAAAABOA/S1r5jj9zKrshuBLM0E-78MvFApkRJ1eHQCEw/s1600/vince-mcmahon-gif-154.gif[/img] [quote]The premise of this roleplay is simple; you are a contract hire for the Happy Trails Caravan Company heading north towards the region known as Cascadia. Taking up the majority of the Seattle metropolitan area, Cascadia is a region under the control of the aptly named Cascadian Federation. The Federation in many ways is a strange mirror to the NCR and fittingly the two have grown weary of one another as they compete for control of the surrounding Washinton Wasteland. Your story will run tangential and collide sometimes directly with these tensions as both the NCR and the CF and the many subfactions within them will try and use you for their gain, though ultimately the narrative of the war is not the primary focus of this tale. Instead, the focus is the hunt for a lost Vault-Tec Vault, which if the rumors are true is said to be the primary reason that Cascadia is all green and brown in contrast to the rest of post-apocalyptic America. [/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/5ef87c5c307a1d5a42a6e8ca2a8f8986/tenor.gif?itemid=7810625[/img] [quote]It started with some sensational rumors coming from caravaneers heading south to the Hub via San Francisco. These wide-eyed traders spoke of a land of green and brown to the North of the Republic's boundaries. A place where no person would ever go hungry. Intrigued, the NCR sent an expeditionary force north past Klamath and Arroyo. Much to their surprise, the trader's tall tales turned out to be not so tall after all. Unleashed viruses and irradiation have done strange things to the flora and fauna in the wastelands of Washington and northern Oregon. Under the shadow of the branches of this prehistoric forest, a new society pulled itself up from the ashes of the fallen world, and that society had a flag of its own - the proud Fir of the [b]Cascadian Federation.[/b][/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/t9bScLe.gif[/img] [quote]Experience with the story Fallout New Vegas and the rest of the games is recommended, but not completely necessary as it takes place some[b] one hundred and four years after the events of New Vegas [/b]in the far off year of 2385. In this way, thematically instead of post-apocalyptic, Cascadia is closer to post-post-apocalyptic in tone.[/quote] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/CookedRecentAquaticleech-size_restricted.gif[/img] [quote]So rather than a massive wide-open sandbox experience as was its predecessor, I instead want to create a [b][i]more character and story-driven game[/i][/b], the kind of game I find myself drifting more and more towards throughout my roleplay career. [/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/710eed2d359b9c40644c8f9c854e4bc8/tenor.gif?itemid=7810656[/img] [quote]Welcome to [b]Fallout:[/b] Cascadia, a roleplay run by your friendly neighborhood [b][i]Hexaflexagon.[/i][/b][/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fthumbs.gfycat.com%2FCelebratedBlackDeermouse-size_restricted.gif&f=1&nofb=1[/img] YEEESSSSS, LET'S GO BOOOOIIIISSSS