[quote=@Lightning Fast] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/652055731205439499/652271244305235998/unknown.png[/img][/center] [color=forestgreen][sub][center][color=ffc8f9][b]Location:[/b][/color] Deep in the woods...[/center][/sub][/color] [hr] Ferris wasted no time in following Natalie’s advice, hesitating only for a moment to make sure that she was following. Ferris was too afraid to do any sort of fighting as he ran: although his hand made a grabbing motion towards the ax strapped to his back, it was shaking too much to wrap around it. He simply kept running, hoping to hell and back that the monsters wouldn’t catch up with them. Once they had made sufficient distance between them and the beasts, Ferris turned back to his buddy. [color=forestgreen]“Natalie, are you okay?! Did they hit you?!”[/color] Ferris seemed extremely panicked for someone so physically imposing, as though the slimes had been twelve feet tall and covered in spikes. [color=forestgreen]“Are there any chemicals or something that can mess with the slimes’ form? Like, to make them dissolve? I didn’t pay attention in chemistry class...”[/color] [@Majoras End]