[color=turquoise][h1][center] Talia Heigen-Schwertz [/center][/h1][/color] [h2][center] Matou Manor, Foreigner's District, Fuyuki City [/center][/h2] [hr] Fuming, Talia followed after the broad back of Rider, a petulant pout on her face as she walked away from the gates of the Matou Manor. The burning of command seals informed her of the presence of a master nearby, and there was little chance that it could have been anyone but a member of the illustrious Matou household. Fine, if they were to return grace with rudeness, then Talia would not be so uncourteous to treat them differently. If it was war they were preparing for, then a war they shall get. [color=turquoise]"Very well Rider. Let us depart. The day grows old and there are still some preparations I would rather like to start on at the least before the opening act begins.[/color] [@Aoko Aozaki] [@Gracefully] [@Kyoka]