Alrighty folks. In order to breathe life into this again (and to prevent any more post chicken from disrupting this getting off the ground) We're going to change how this works. I'm going to make a new intro post where everyone who is active is already in the warehouse, sitting around the blackboard. I'm going to give everyone until tomorrow morning (12 hours from now for me) to chime in here on the OOC and be a part of the first few posts. Now, I'm going to switch over to dickhead mode for this because i'm tired of trying to get this going. Anyone who posts in the next twelve hours will be part of the first few posts. If you're an hour late, too bad, you have to wait until after the first job. If you post that you're here, and then don't respond tomorrow (but don't let me know that you can't) then you're out and have to wait as well. So basically there's a deadline for who's going to be on the first job. Chime in and let yourself be known, or be left behind until the next job starts. If this is unreasonable for you, or you can't be assed to let us know you won't be posting, then fuck off. Everyone else: Thanks for your patience and enjoy the ride.