Lunise was well enough used to being taken out of time that she enjoyed the kiss for just a few moments more than strictly necessary. While she looked as professional and in control as ever, she broke the facade and sighed at Meesei's question and cast her eyes down. "Well. Everything is well. In order, ready, and well." By her frown and her stilted tone, she did not reflect what she said. She took Meesei's hand and lead her inside the tent. "How fares you and your pack?" [hr] Janius did not mind Kaleeth's company at the worst of times. He did not feel like transforming back either, perhaps because he did not think to, or perhaps because he had an easier time focussing on the present in his werewolf form. The water eventually proved a bit too cold to stay in, but the grounds were dry enough that he was not shivering before his fur dried. "Not at all," Janius responded. "Tonight is one of those nights with you that I wish would last forever, my dear."