[@GeekFactor] You're fine. We're just exchanging views and having a discussion. There wouldn't be much point if we just came here to offload our opinions without discussing them a bit right? Another part of the "men make for manly woman" thing that you noticed may be that men tend to like more aggressive scenarios. Since we have more testosterone and the like, aggression is more rewarding to watch. [quote=@Majoras End] Probs. Haven't really seen much confirmed hetro-ships as of my rps right now. :/ [/quote] There are just a lot of different types of relationships other than romantic pairings. You have siblings, parents, mentors, co-workers, friends, brothers-in-arms, and likely more. I've personally never seen an RP with a father and son team, and to me that would be more rewarding to watch play out over another romance.