Light was happy that Graft took her joke in stride, giving one of his own at her expense. [color=00aeef]"Haha, yeah. You see so many crazy stuff when you have a staring contest with the abyss."[/color] She watched as Graft went from a bit of unsettled laughter to being super serious, scolding Salem who had managed to push Graft's buttons even if it was for Light's benefit. She watched as him and Graft had an exchange, Salem trying to get under Graft's skin a bit and telling Graft to destroy his new minion before leaving in a huff. [color=00aeef]"Huh, so thats what doll boy is like without their creator. This is so interesting, watching everyone break down without the hand in the sky directing us. I'll put my little spin on this..."[/color] Light said, waiting for Graft before she continued. [color=00aeef]"It doesn't really matter what you do. Just do what you want to do. Thats my philosophy from now on! No more dancing on mailboxes or unfun grinds for that one obscure piece of armor that you'll never use! Although the former was kind of fun..."[/color] Light said, tapping her chin in an absent thought. [color=00aeef]"But yeah, just do what you want. If you want to follow what your creator told you to do, thats what you want to do. Want to diverge from that and become the mechanical corporate overlord of the world? go and do that! Or you know, be a dad~."[/color] Light finished, giving Graft a sassy, almost flirty pose. After seeing what Graft did, Light continued. [color=00aeef]"But yeah, I REALLY wanna hug someone, so... How long will it take for you to make something that Rodius wont yell at me for? And can it be in bracelet form or something easily removed."[/color] Light said, getting back to a more casual pose. [color=00aeef]"Either way, I'll have to go get some gold somewhere... Know where to start? Doubt any adveterers are going to wander into the vault area anytime soon if our other comrades have anything to say about it."[/color] She asked, hoping Graft would point her in the right direction so she wouldn't wander aimlessly.