[h3][u]Accepted Characters:[/u][/h3] - Hikaru - Mori / Hime / Kenshin - Iza / Shion - Kurimi - Shirou - Yosuke / Kami - Hime - Kotetsu - Tsukai - Hirameki / Yuutsu - Yasu - Katsumi [h3][u]Pending Revisions:[/u][/h3] - Tetsu: For Tetsu, we'd like to see you change from being both a genius and having larger than average chakra. Please pick one of those two things, and for now stick to techniques that Gaara was using in part one of Naruto. Let's save the stuff from Boruto for at least after the timeskip. - Yachiyo: For Yachiyo, the only issue we have is having both fire and water natures (even in the future). We talked about it some and think this would take years and years to get to. If you can remove one of those, we think it's fine! - Satoru: Please make a decision on whether or not you want to commit to Byakugan and taijutsu, or Byakugan and ninjutsu. After some discussion we don't think you should have the Eight Gates if you're not going to commit to it as a main gimmick; letting something like that scale off in the late game doesn't feel right to us. We'd also like you to remove prodigal levels of chakra. We don't want many people running around with too much chakra, it'll make fights less fun. - Usagi: There's really only one thing and it's not a huge deal, but ANBU is a position, not like a strength level. They're basically ninja CIA and don't really take medical nin with them when they go out. I suggest changing this point to just say 'jonin level!' Once the WIPs are finished, we'll review those, too.