For years, Freyr had used the effects of Seraphim blood to help him sleep. Otherwise, he couldn't bear the noise inside his head. Even when he closed his eyes and drifted into sleep, he could hear whispers and voices that kept him from any comfortable sleep. If he couldn't hear anything, then he was plagued by nightmares. Usually, it were events from his childhood or last kills coming to haunt him. Seraphim blood usually helped. It kept him relaxed and the whispers seemed to fade away under its effects. Unfortunately, he didn't have that luxury now but he was too exausted to even remember. He slept for three or four hours before being awakened by a series of familiar screams that faded as soon as he opened his eyes. Freyr was covered in sweat and out of breath, he looked around first trying to figure out where he was. That's when he remembered the day's previous events and how he had ended up in a hospital bed after taking a mix that nearly killed him. He sighed, wiping his face of sweat and tears. Lifting the covers, he saw that he wasn't wearing any clothes. He rolled his eyes. Great, not only did Anui found him in that state but he was also naked. All Freyr could do now was hope that Anui wouldn't spread around what had happened. Most likely, he would call in a favor in exchange for keeping his mouth shut. Freyr looked around, spotting a black robe by the door to his room. That would have to do, he thought. Freyr got out of bed, nearly falling to the ground as he was suddenly overcome by dizziness. Once he composed himself, he took the robes and put them on. Quietly, he opened the door and slipped out of the clinic using his Shadow Step ability. He then returned home, closing the door behind him before breathing a sigh of relief. To Freyr, this was the only place where he felt that he was in control. Outside however- Freyr's train of thought was abruptly stopped by a noise coming deep from within his home. Slowly, he made his way to the garden area where he saw a man dressed in fine silks standing there looking at the plants. When he got closer, Freyr realized who it was. "Ignatiy? What are you doing here?" Freyr clenched his fists. He hoped there would be no more trouble today. "Freyr!" The man, a Nayu noble in his mid-40's turned around smiling. He stopped for a moment, staring at Freyr. He practically undressed the Nayu assassin with his eyes. There was a hunger about him that made even Freyr uncomfortable. Without being able to see, Freyr was never able to really see into someone's eyes. Now that he had the chance, he was starting to regret it. Regardless he stood his ground. "Well, you weren't home but I presumed you had passed by here after the ceremony. So, I thought I would come in here and make myself at home while you returned." "What?" Replied Freyr stepping forwars. Ignatiy was at least a foot taller than Freyr, stronger too. However, Freyr wasn't intimidated by him at all. "Whatever we did before we business. A one time thing only. I did my part and you did yours. We went our separate ways, that's how it goes." "So rude." Ignatiy chuckled, coming in closer and invading Freyr's personal space. "When we met the first time, you were so charming and pleasant. Is this how you usually are or did I catch you at a bad moment?" "Does it matter? Get out." Freyr stood his ground defiantly. All he wanted to do was get something for the back pain that was starting to come up again. He just needed rest… "I thought we clicked you know? When we did it the first time, you seemed to be really into it. You were so loud too." Ignatiy gently caressed Freyr's right cheek, grinning as he did. "I want to see that side of you again." Freyr smacked Ignatiy's hand away, getting angrier by the minute. "Don't touch me. I don't know what's gotten into you but we were never anything. I killed your wife and we had sex as payment. That's it." "No. You killed her because I wanted you. That's why we did it. Not just once, but three times. And I want it again. I want you again." Ignatiy seemed to be growing more frustrated as he spoke. Before Freyr could answer, Ignatiy wrapped his arms around Freyr's waist, pulling him closer. "Come on now. You'll enjoy it. Just like you did before." "Let go of me." Freyr turned his face away from him, making Ignatiy sigh. Losing his patience, the royal picked up Freyr over his shoulders. Even as Freyr tried to set himself lose, he was too physically weak to go anywhere. Ignatiy carried Freyr to his bedroom and forced him on top of the bed. He then went on to kiss Freyr on the lips before being punched in the jaw by the assassin. The strike caught Ignatiy off guard, making him release Freyr and stumble backwards. "Argh! After all I did for you. All the favors I pulled just so you could get to where you are now and this is how you repay me!?" Shouted Ignatiy, holding on to the side of his face as a few drips of blood fell from the side of his lip. "You filthy lowlife. You should be getting on your knees and be grateful for everything I did for you!" Ignatiy rushed Freyr, grabbing his legs and pulling him away from the bed. Before being dragged to the floor, Freyr grabbed a dagger that he kept underneath his pillow. Wrestling Freyr to the floor, Ignatiy started tearing away at the medical cloak he was wearing. "You're going to take me and you're going to fucking like it!" In his blind rage, Ignatiy completely missed the hidden weapon. Freyr then slashed at the noble's throat with the dagger, spraying blood all over the floor and his face. The Nayu noble instinctively grabbed his throat, gurgling and choking as he attempted to run off. Somehow, Ignatiy stood up and made it to the garden before collapsing next to the plants. In the process, he spilled blood everywhere. Freyr, wearing what was left of the cloak slowly made his way to Ignatiy, who stared at him with pleading eyes. But he didn't receive any mercy. Freyr crouched next to him and started stabbing Ignatiy on the chest and his face. With every strike, Freyr started screaming and cursing letting out a ton of pent up emotions. By the time he was done, the noble's corpse was barely unrecognizable. All that was left of his chest and face was a mess of flesh and broken bones. As for Freyr, he was practically drenched in the noble's blood. Panting, he sat down next to the corpse. He looked at the dagger briefly before setting it aside. "Fuck." He said out loud, looking at his hands. He then turned to the corpse and sighed. Freyr was quick to dispose of the scene. He took Ignatiy's corpse and cut it up into several pieces before placing them all in a large fireplace he had in his laboratory. Every piece was disposed of, leaving practically no trace of what was once Ignatiy. He then went on to clean the stone floors of his blood, which was much easier to do. Once he was done, Freyr took off the medical cloak and tossed it in the fireplace as well. He then made his way to his bath, and got in the water. The warm fresh water coming from the cave washed away the blood and the usual pain Freyr had to deal with. Freyr sunk into the water, leaving on his head poking out. As Freyr sat there silently in the water, he remembered what the Basilisk girl told him again. For some reason, he words had resonated with him. Despite his state of mind. "You're right…" He said softly, closing his eyes.