The plot thickens! Corona calling her dad "Papa" made me laugh though. I don't know why, it was just so girly and unexpected. Also her little tsundere-spiel about Mars was funny too. Short smith is short. Welp, happy to be the first person to have completed a quest in the New World! Chekc it LOSERS! I got da cash-ola~ *flexes* Now to wait for little Mr. Puppet and Mr. Suck-your-blood to figure out how to get their OS running so isolde can wake up... :P [b]EDIT:[/b] [@Rockin Strings]You [i]do[/i] realize that not only is Aurora a higher level than Gromgard, but she's also a Priest and Cleric? I'm pretty sure she could Holy Smite that goblin-swaggerin' Shadowman General back to last tuesday if she wants to... xD [i][s]Fight, fight, fight~![/s][/i]