Mamoru wasn't sure how to feel at Gromgard's simple reply. Perhaps she has been thinking too much about her current situation? It is still fairly fresh on her mind. Or perhaps Gromgard is just a simpleton. But even if he was, that didn't mean Mamoru also wasn't over thinking things. Despite her strength, she sorely lacks experience, which was something she actually felt envious about now. Gromgard seems to have at least gone out of the chateau to battle enemies far and wide, and likely has learned much from his experience. Whereas Mamoru simply tailed behind her Creator, hearing only his thoughts and seeing his views. Now that she doesn't have him, she needs to see this world with her own eyes for once. It was certainly something to think about. Soon the group would return to the Chateau with new information, prisoners, and ideas. Upon returning Mamoru made sure to inform a skeleton sentry to find Bone Daddy and send him to the ritual zone. He would be under strict orders to guard it, but also maintain subtly. She does not want any native people investigating the area for any reason. Afterwards she'd also contact her clone with a new job, though oddly enough the skeleton butlers couldn't find her. Mamoru was debating recalling her to absorb her memories, but refrained for now. The clone may be in the middle of something important, though she would send a skeleton butler to pass along the message. Eventually the two chapter lords would arrive to Rodias's personal chambers. Mamoru would knock, announce her presence, and once allowed in she would go through the formalities as needed before giving her report to Rodias. "Lord Rodias, your humble servants have returned. The goblin painters are safe and sound, however we have confirmed that there are potential hostile forces within the nearby woods. We came across a small group of cultists who in their fervor attacked us without any chance of parley. We were easily able to defeat them and have brought three of them back for further questioning. I personally managed to extract some information from one prisoner before I allowed him to be secured by the goblin troopers. From him, I have learned that the cult follows a god by the name of Ditronius. The cultist himself comes from a town called Gronbell, which is to the southwest of the Chateau, approximately sixty miles away. This cult is fairly wide spread but at the same time low in influence, as we found no signs of a temple of place of worship, but we did find the location where they made their sacrifices. There were traces of some sort of profane magic, though I regret to say that my own knowledge of magical lore is lacking, so I have sent Bone Daddy to go to the area and study the magic circle to ascertain the magic and strength of the circle." After giving that report, Mamoru also raised her head to hand Rodias a scroll of information that she had gathered during their short trip, as well as a rough approximate map of the area, though it only covered the parts that Mamoru herself was able to explore. "Aside from these cultist, I have also detected various natural mineral deposited, and the forest itself seems to be flourishing well with life. Most of the materials I have detected are of a fairly low quality by Yggdrasil standards, however I have also marked down various resources that resonate with an unfamiliar power. The mountain in which the Chateau sits upon is quite abundant with this mysterious resource, which I believe may be a material native only to this realm and not our own. Additionally I have found signs of beasts who do not seem like a common animal, though I was unable to find any physical evidence that would lead me to believe if they are creatures not familiar to Yggdrasil either. But it does at least show some evidence that there is more than common woodland creatures in the woods." Once Rodias receives the scroll Mamoru would lower her head once more and finish her report. "Lastly, I would recommend that we should secure the forest around the mountain as to prevent any natives of the land from unexpectedly stumbling upon the chateau or any of our forces within it. Since we are no longer receiving supplies or resources from our usual sources, I highly recommend that we send out labor forces to begin escalation and harvesting of the local minerals in order to maintain a steady rate of production. Naturally such activity may alert nearby locals, and as such I shall defer to your decision. That is the end of my report." [hr] Meanwhile at a nondescript location in time, the Mamoru clone listened to Flan, worried that the sweet little slime couldn't possible force Chunnitrixx to back down peacefully. Even the realm Mamoru would need to use her skills carefully if she wanted to win, and this clone had no abilities beyond her buffed stats, which alone wouldn't be able to stop the other chapter lord's full onslaught. Still Mamoru respected Flan's decision and stood by, but still ready should Chunnitrixx choose to fight. Fortunately however, Chunnitrixx backed down, trying to reclaim some pride and leave without a fuss. Once she left, Mamoru simply let out a sigh. "Honestly... First she rebuffs Lord Rodias in front of the other chapter keepers, and now she pillages your kitchen and feels offended that you choose to defend it. It is little wonder that the creators were always in tense negotiations with one another." Even though she was a clone, Mamoru still knew the many battles her creator was involved in against even the other Sable Lords. Mamoru isn't [i]surprised[/i] at Chunnitrixx's attitude considering even their creators couldn't get along, but she did hope that without any creators to guide them, none of the Chapter Lords had any real reason to cooperate with one another, or even allow each other to exist when they could simply conqueror each other and this new world. Which now that the clone thought of it, may be something everyone has already thought about. Even Mamoru's own draconic instincts calls for her to set out from the Chateau and take what is hers by sword. She could command the infinite undead of the Chateau to flood the world with undead soldiers, but soon Mamoru shook these thoughts aside. Dreams of conquest were just that: Dreams. She needed to focus on the task at hand. "I'm sorry that had to happen Flan. Do you need any assistance in the kitchen? I am no proper chef, but I am equipped with skills that will bolster your crafting abilities." [hr] In another nondescript time and space, a black skeletal robot alongside with one hundred other skeletons were dancing nonstop to a [url=]snappy song[/url], as his master had ordered him. Before he had left Butterfly's master, M177013, had left the game he had ordered Butterfly and as many other skeletal butlers nearby to dance in the Chateau's ballroom for no reason but his own amusement. Being his creation, an undead, and a robot as well, Butterfly did not question these orders at all. He in fact felt obligated to ensure that these skeletons did not disappoint his master by elevating their intelligence to allow them a greater sense of rhythm and coordination, acting less like MMD puppets and more like actual background dancers with their own life and existence, despite their undeath. Additionally as he was only level 35, Butterfly also did not stop dancing even after Rodias had called for any chapter keeper or level 40 NPC to arrive to his hall. He figured that this was intentional, and that Butterfly must continue dancing for the entertainment of the others. He continued to do this until finally, a new skeletal butler arrived to inform Bone Daddy of his new mission. He was to go incognito to investigate and guard a profane site near the Chateau. Once more, Butterfly did not question these orders as he used a simple magic spell that transformed him from his black adamantine skelebot into a dark and hooded figure. Something that would easily camouflage themselves in a forest. With his new orders Bone Daddy would leave the Chateau and head towards the magic circle, taking note of the new location but otherwise having no real strong opinions about it. If no one told him about the Chateau's new location, than it probably wasn't that important to be concerned about.