I was wondering if, as applications seem to be open, my faction submission would be welcome. If affirmative, I'd be submiting a nation sheet soon. So the main idea is: The School of of Ghaassa is a technocratic council entrusted with the advising and management of the core world of Ghaassa, a decadent and ecumenopolis. The School was as a secret joint program of several corporations for biotechnology, transhuman neurotech bornindustrial and other unethical research. They built WO-ROM, an IA directing a centuries long plot, culminating with the School being assigned with the environmental restoration of Ghaasa (themselves having caused environmental downfall). All their atrocities remain opaque: Their hosts of neuroslaves collaborate with the ITC to execute their colonial agenda, in exchange for silence. As much despised as they are, they always fing partners willing to test their clones, neurotech, yet fear of their ruthless methods is usally most persuasive. -- So kind of a mix between Bene Tleilaxu and Drukhari siding with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Spooky villains. what do you think?